“Home for the Holidays” isn’t just a sentimental song. When the holidays roll around each year, just about everyone wishes they could gather their entire extended family together in one spot to celebrate. And while some families are lucky enough to be able to do just that, others have members spread all across the country, or even the globe, who can’t make it for a Christmas visit.
If that’s the case in your family, what can you do to bring everyone closer together this Christmas, in spite of the distance? And if you’re one of the lucky ones, how can you maintain that Christmas closeness all year long? We’ve put together a list of ways to bring your family closer together, and keep them that way.
1. Share family traditions year-round.
Traditions are an important part of family identity and bonding, especially during the holidays. But it doesn’t have to be Christmas to share a tradition with family members, no matter how far away they live. Does Grandma have a legendary cake recipe? Distribute it to everyone in the family and have a long-distance bake-off each year! Points can be awarded for appearance, creative twists, and, since virtual tasting isn’t an option, most vivid taste descriptions from spouses and kids. Is your family into fishing? Hold a virtual fishing derby each year, measuring fish to see who wins the prize. By sharing a tradition, even long-distance relationships can be strengthened.
2. Write letters.
Writing letters may be old-school, but that just makes it even more special. It’s so rare to get a letter in the mail these days that when one does arrive, it makes a lasting impression. And that’s why it’s perfect for tightening those family bonds. Assign each family member a regular pen pal, or have everyone write to everyone else on a rotating basis. Encourage pen pals to include drawings, pictures, or even small gifts in their envelopes, as well. Looking forward to the next letter is a fun way to keep family on everyone’s mind.
3. Share photos via Nixplay Wifi Cloud Frames.
If you currently rely on email or social media to share photos with your extended family, they’re getting a glimpse into your life – but only a fleeting one. With your pictures sandwiched between their friends’ posts about their children, and updates from their favorite organizations, they just don’t have much staying power. When each household has their own Nixplay Wifi Cloud Frame, however, all that changes. Family photos can be sent directly and instantly to each frame from family members’ smartphones, and even customized with captions, so that an uninterrupted stream of family photos is displayed. Having that constant reminder of family in your home is the perfect way to keep in touch, keep up-to-date, and share experiences – which is exactly what it takes to bring family closer together.
So if you’re looking for ways to strengthen those family bonds at Christmastime and throughout the year, try these tips to jumpstart your efforts. And since Christmas is just a few short weeks away, why not get the ball rolling by presenting your family members with their own Nixplay Wifi Cloud Frames as gifts? You’ll be setting the stage for a closer family relationship, and getting your Christmas shopping out of the way, all at the same time! Check out our selection of frames today.

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.