If you and your significant other have been together long enough, chances are you’ve taken a few selfies. Anymore, there isn’t a couple alive that hasn’t taken a selfie together at the beach, on the road, or just lying on the couch together. But if your selfies aren’t getting those likes, don’t worry—it’s not because you aren’t a cute couple. It’s because you’re taking them wrong. Probably. We know, we know—how can you take a selfie wrong? Well, let us explain, and you’ll realize that you’ve been missing out on some great tips.
Let’s start out with your extremities and work our way in, shall we? Some might say that they’re not really selfies if your face isn’t in it, but at that point it’s just semantics. You can go with a classic (read: clichéd) hand holding picture, and even though it’s been done before there’s a reason people keep doing it. It’s adorable, especially if you’re doing something special together when you take it. Maybe travelling in a bus or clasped over the stick shift on a long road trip?
Alternately you can get a photo of your feet intertwined in the sand or overlooking a scenic drop-off. Just make sure you’ve been taking care of your feet before you throw them front and center in your picture. And if you’re at home? Pop them up on the coffee table next to a couple wine glasses with some Netflix playing the background. Instant likes.
Alright, so you actually want some with your faces in the picture this time. If you’re traveling, there are always going to be great opportunities to get a selfie in front of an amazing view or a pristine beach. Just remember a couple things.
- First—the rule of thirds. Yes, it also applies to selfies. If you’ve got your phone extended far enough that there’s a lot of background (or, heaven forbid, a selfie stick), then you don’t want your faces to be exactly in the middle. The eye line should be somewhere near the top third of the photo, and space on the left and right side will make it more attractive.
- Second—Lighting. Certain times of day are better for taking pictures. Whether you’re traveling or not, the mornings and evenings offer better lighting for a great picture. And if you are on a trip, you won’t have to deal with as many tourists ruining the shot.
And now some parting ideas for selfies that you can use anywhere. At the roadside attraction or in your backyard, try a piggyback selfie. Also universal—the peck on the cheek selfie. Overdone? Possibly. Cute as can be? Absolutely. And last, but not least, put your goofy side out there and give a funny smile or make a face. You’ll look like you’re totally spontaneous and comfortable with each other. Which you totally are.
And once you’ve returned from your trip, or just gotten up off the couch, why not display those selfies in a digital frame from Nixplay. You’ll see them every day, and you can create your own fun playlist!

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.