Spring is around the corner, and many professional and amateur photographers alike love taking photos when the weather starts to warm up.
The colors seem a little more vivid, the days get longer, the natural light sticks around for a while, and everything around us is in bloom.
But as beautiful as the season is, it’s not always easy to capture it in your photographs.
What looks perfect through the lens might not translate to the photo, so it’s important to make sure you’ve got all the elements in place behind the camera.
With that in mind, here are some tips for creating great springtime photos.
Time your photos carefully to get the best lighting
The right light can mean everything when it comes to a photo, especially an outdoor photo. Typically, the best times of day to get the right light are early morning or late afternoon, and into the evening.
As for the early morning, don’t worry if there’s a little fog or mist in the air, particularly if you’re shooting a woodland photo. That fog can add a mysterious feeling to your photos.
Use the right lens for the right type of shot
The wider the lens, the greater the depth of field in your photo. This can be a great way to create contrast in your photos.
But if you’re shooting plants or flowers close-up, make sure to use a macro lens to capture all the tiny-but-important details. Think about getting closer to the ground or taking a vertical shot. Not every photo has to be at eye level.
If you’re trying for a woodland or other outdoor shot that’s a bit different from normal, why not shoot from unexpected or atypical angles? A unique point of view can create a whole new dimension in a photo.
If you’re taking a landscape photo, it’s often helpful to have something in the foreground. It will give a sense of scale to the picture.
Also, it never hurts to remember the ever-trusty rule of thirds: Imagine two lines that divide the photo in into three equal segments, with the subjects of your photo at or near those lines.
Landscapes don’t always have to be landscapes
There are certain landscapes that can lend themselves very well to a portrait format photo. Try both, and see which you prefer. It won’t always work, but you could be pleasantly surprised.
Pay attention to movement
Try to be aware of the wind where you’re photographing. As you’re preparing to take your photos, take note of the conditions around you. Should you wait a moment for that breeze to pass?
It might also help to use a faster shutter speed in those situations. It reduces the effect of movement or blurring within the photo.
Head to the water’s edge
If you’re looking for some vibrant, colorful new plants to photograph in the spring, check along the banks of a stream, creek, or river. Even if the trees are still bare from the fall and winter, there’s probably new life along the banks.
Use rain to your advantage
Taking photos right after a spring rain shower can produce some sparkling results, particularly up close on flowers and plants. And if the sky is still overcast, you can end up with some perfect lighting.
Protect yourself and your equipment
The photographer isn’t the only thing out in the wild during the spring. There are plenty of insects out there, so make sure to have some insect repellant sprayed on before you go looking for that perfect photo.
Just make sure your camera is safely out of range when you apply that bug spray. There are some spray-on repellents that can melt plastics in the right conditions, so keep the camera in the bag until after you’ve finished applying.
Portraits will look best in the early morning
If you’re going to be photographing people outdoors, early morning might be the best time to do it. There’s a softness in the morning light, when the sun is low on the horizon, that can really make a portrait special.
When you’ve gotten all the lovely springtime photos you want, make sure to send them to your Nixplay WiFi Cloud Digital Frame so you can enjoy them every day. For tips on how to organize your photos into playlists, read our post “Photo Playlist Ideas for that Nixplay Digital Frame You Got for Christmas.”

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.