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Nixplay Iris always steals the spotlight! Not only is this one a showstopper, with its beautiful brushed metal finish but when you connect with our Nixplay app and see your photos released from the confines of your phone…nothing can replace that feeling of winning over your loved ones by sharing your moments for all to see.
The Nixplay Iris is a WiFi digital photo frame. This means that you can send images to it through email, mobile or social media. All you need to do is pair a frame to your account and it’s ready to go in a couple of seconds, you can set up playlists and send them straight to your frame.
There are two ways to go if you’re the one buying a Nixplay Iris for various members of your family. Either way, everyone gets memories updated on their Nixplay frame, within moments.
You can buy the frames and pair them to one main account ( i.e. your account)- In this way you control all the pictures that go on their frames. This is a good idea when you’re the technologically savvy one in your family and everyone else doesn’t mind you controlling their frames.
You help the different members of your family pair their individual frames to their individual Nixplay accounts. Once this is done, you can add them as friends on your own Nixplay account and send them playlists with your images. All this with the tap of a button.
Nixplay Iris is a unique digital photo frame, not only does it look great in anyone’s home ( it comes in peach copper, silver or burnished bronze,) but it’s designed for connectivity. We know modern families are increasingly moving away from home and are dispersed around the world.
The true value of a Nixplay Iris WiFi Cloud Frame ( and our mobile app) is that you can share one playlist with the folks, another playlist with the siblings, and yet another playlist with your friends. The more frames you have connected to your network, the more memories can be shared at the tap of a button- to whom you want, when your want. And they can share back!
So the next time your little one has a birthday party and her grandparents or aunt and uncle can’t make it, just take pictures and send them in real time to their frames. Then they have these memories, displayed in their homes for however long they need.

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.
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Sabrina Reed
I live overseas and want to buy two frames as gifts for parents in the U.S. Is there a way to have them each go to different address and possibly with a gift card or wrap?
Hey Sabrina, sending two frames to different addresses should be possible. You can reach out to our customer service team here: https://support.nixplay.com/hc/en-us/requests/new if you need more support!