Oh, summer! How you call out to our inner photographers and get our fingers clicking to capture all our memories. Graduations, weddings, birthday parties, and fun-in-the-sun vacations are all recorded in our cameras and phones, adding hundreds of beautiful, touching memories to our digital galleries. Now, what do we with all these pictures?
Posting our photos on social media is a fun way to share our adventures and heartwarming memories with friends and family, but it isn’t the best way to enjoy them ourselves in our daily life. This is what Nixplay Frames do best. I adore mine and I’m often asked to set them up for clients, who then rave about them. Read on for some fun, creative ways I’ve found to use Nixplay digital frames.
Displaying Special Occasion Playlists
Special events are the perfect reason to create picture playlists with images selected for the occasion. For example, for the anniversary of my boyfriend’s parents, my boyfriend, his sister, his kids and I took photos holding up anniversary wishes for the happy couple. We then temporarily disabled all the other playlists, so when the Nixplay frame turns on for the first time during the special day, the new photos we took will be displayed. So fun!

Holiday Happenings
Encapsulate the spirit of the season with your own holiday photos. Create playlists for specific occasions populated with photos of your holiday celebrations from prior years. Then on a particular holiday, disable all your other playlists and show your personalized holiday playlist. You can do this for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah, and other occasions. Each year, just add the best photos from your newest batch of holiday pictures to include for next year.
Daily Dose of Darlings for Older Loved Ones
If you have older family members who struggle with technology, you can gift them a Wi-Fi enabled cloud frame loaded with photo playlists of your family for their enjoyment. The Wi-Fi function allows you to update the photos and change out playlists from your home so you can keep the frame’s pictures fresh for your loved ones. Give them a daily dose of their darlings and keep them updated on activities they may have missed if they live far away.

Hope and Healing
Use Nixplay frames to encourage and soothe loved ones who are undergoing treatment for disease or recovering from surgery. To help them on their journey to wellness, create a playlist with healing and motivating images specific to the person’s needs and difficulties. You can even ask others to email photos/wishes to the person’s account and add to the playlist, changing up the images from time to time to keep it fresh.
Child’s Eye View
Let your kids get involved in creating playlists both to play at home or for grandparents. Try to incorporate their special, child’s eye view of the world rather than telling them which images to select. Help them take photos of special items, artwork, or just the world from their perspective and upload those images as well. Pick certain times to play their creative works and ooh and aah over their talents.

Downsize the portrait wall
If your family portrait wall has gotten out of hand, scan all your older portraits and upload them to a Nixplay frame. Hang the frame in a prominent area of your home and use it as a dedicated portrait display to downsize the framed clutter.
Comic Relief
Sometimes we just need a good laugh. Life can get difficult and we need to take a deep breath, step back, and find a little comic relief from time to time. Create playlists with some of your funniest family photos, memes that make you laugh, images and videos of your pets being ridiculous, or anything that makes you giggle. Make sure these playlists are ready to run whenever you need a good chuckle.

Seasonal Inspiration
Do you love taking photos of nature and the seasonal changes it brings to the landscape around your home? You might also get some great scenery shots during vacations. Make playlists of your favorite seasons and vacation scenery to play when the weather is crummy and you need a pick-me-up.
College Connections
Send your kid off to college with a Nixplay frame and share photos of the things they’re missing back home, like images of your family’s pets or your nephews and nieces. Keep it updated frequently so they still feel like they’re part of things. Incorporate a few images with you or other family members holding signs with messages of encouragement, congratulations for accomplishments, and sending your love.
Check out Mariposa Photo Organizing for more inspiration and tons of photo organizing ideas to keep your digital frame feeling fresh and fun. You can find even more fresh ideas at the Association of Professional Photo Organizers (APPO) website and blog. There’s a wealth of creative ideas available there to keep you in close touch with your photographic memories.

Bonnie is owner of Mariposa Photo Organizing. She helps families curate their lifetime of photos and makes them A MESS (Accessible, Manageable, Enjoyable, Shareable and Safe).