dad birthday

How to Take Your Dad’s Birthday to the Next Level

Dads are some of the most special people in our lives. Life advice, childhood memories in the playground, and unending support—these are just some of the things you’ll thank him for. And there’s no better way to do this than by giving your Dad the most incredible birthday.

From the moment he wakes up to the end of his birthday week, here’s how you can take your Dad’s birthday to the next level.

Start the morning right

Serve him breakfast in bed

Sometimes, it’s best to take a tip from the old days when you want to start your Dad’s birthday the right way. Just before he usually wakes up, take the time to make him a tasty, nutritious breakfast. Aside from giving him all the energy he needs for his birthday extravaganza, it’s also a great way of showing him how much you care.

Play it safe by cooking him a hearty fry-up breakfast, complete with eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

Get him the best present

Stick to something personal

You could go all-out and get your Dad an expensive present, but the best gifts usually come from the heart. These days, most people tend to start with a smaller, personal gift, before presenting him with a showstopper. Anything from handmade knitwear to a monogrammed leather wallet is sure to do the trick. Just make sure you don’t fall into the trap of getting your Dad something he will never use, or something that he already owns.

Then for a showstopping gift, why not give a luxurious gift with a personalized touch? With a range of personalized cookery sets and digital photo frames on the market, finding a special present is cheaper and easier than ever.

Give him an experience

It turns out that 74% of Americans value experiences over possessions. With this in mind, it’s no wonder that weekend breaks and memorable parties are becoming a great way to celebrate a birthday.

These go perfectly alongside special, material gifts, and can include anything from weekend breaks to days at the beach. Some people prefer to plan these kinds of experiences for big birthdays, like the big 5-0.

Hold a birthday party to remember

Choose the perfect cake

No birthday party is complete without a cake. It doesn’t matter how old your dad is—you’re bound to find a cake that suits him.

Don’t fall into the trap of buying an ordinary sponge cake that you can find in most bakeshops (unless it’s his favorite). Instead, head to your local baker and tell them exactly what your Dad loves. You can also ask them to decorate the cake with designs that mean a lot to him.

If your Dad doesn’t have a sweet tooth, consider making a ‘cake’ out of his favorite food. One popular option is baking mini pies and arranging them in the shape of a cake.

Invite all his loved ones

Birthday parties are a special occasion. This means your Dad may want to have all his loved ones around him when he celebrates his big day. Take the pressure off your Dad, create a guest list, and send out invites to his closest friends and family. This is also a great way of turning his party into a surprise, as he won’t know anything about it. Remember that some guests may live far away, but they are sure to go the distance if it is a special birthday you are celebrating.

Secure attendance from your guests by creating personalized invitations by hand, or using some nifty online templates.

Choose some fun entertainment

When people have traveled from all over to attend the party, you’ll want to make sure everyone stays entertained. One of the best ways of doing this is by setting a theme for your party, as this is the kind of entertainment that takes care of itself.

Popular ideas include casino nights, the Great Gatsby, or a Hollywood party. Accompany your theme with a killer playlist. You may even wish to hire a local band to play some of your Dad’s favorite tunes.

Make it last forever

Extend the party

Your Dad’s birthday celebration need not last just one day! If you’re set on giving your Dad the most memorable birthday ever, consider celebrating the occasion throughout the week. This doesn’t mean having a party every night. On one night, you could go out for a family meal, and on another, you could have a fun day out together. This is also an excellent solution if your Dad doesn’t have much family to celebrate with, or if he’s not a party person.

Take some special photographs

Birthdays don’t last forever, but memories can.

The best way to do this is by taking some high-quality images of your dad’s big day. If you don’t have a camera that you can use to commemorate your dad’s birthday, it’s worth taking a look at this roundup of the best digital cameras of 2019 to see if there’s one that suits you. If these options are too expensive, buy a lot of disposable cameras and hand them out at the party. You’ll get some fun, vintage-feel photographs that can be printed and scanned onto a CD.

And when you’ve developed the images, don’t hide them away in a photo album. Display them in your Dad’s home using a Nixplay Photo Frame, so he can relive memories of this incredible birthday.

summer home decor

5 Easy Ways to Spruce Up Your Home This Summer

We may be halfway through summer, but it’s not yet too late to celebrate the sunniest season! Spruce up your home for the summer with these simple tips.

Use Summer-Inspired Linens

Here’s an easy way to give your home a summery feel: Use linens with bright colors or summery prints. Nautical bedsheets, brightly colored pillowcases, and a beach-inspired duvet lend a relaxing vibe to your home.

Add Outdoor Lights To Your Garden

This summer, take the chance to spend as much time outdoors as you can. Adding dainty string lights to your patio will give your summer parties a charming, inviting feel. Outdoor lamps, meanwhile, will add a lovely feel to your garden.

Invest In a Summery Scent

Another easy way to prep your abode for the summer is by changing your home’s scent. Get a candle with a beachy, tropical scent for your living room, or a reed diffuser with a light, zesty fragrance for your bedroom.

Brighten Up Your Home With Summery Blooms

You can always count on a bit of greenery to liven up your interiors. Get some colorful petunias, zinnias, marigolds, sunflowers, or California poppies, and arrange them in vases around your home. You can also try planting hydrangeas, peonies, or daisies in your garden to give it a vibrant touch.

Set Up A Casual Sitting Area

The lazy days of summer are for lounging about at home, bonding with loved ones and relaxing. Designate a corner of your home for relaxation, and decorate it with a colorful woven rug, comfortable cushions, and a low table. You’d want to lounge there all day long!

Don’t forget to take photos of all your summer memories! Display them on a Nixplay Frame and have your summer memories on display all day long.

mental declutter

5 Ways To Clear Mental Clutter

Marie Kondo’s books and Netflix series have inspired people everywhere to empty out drawers, clean out cabinets, and get rid of anything that doesn’t “spark joy”. Her work highlights the benefits of clearing the clutter from your life, something professional organizers around the world have been helping families do for decades.

However, it’s important to know that physical clutter is only one piece of the simplifying puzzle. Getting rid of the piles of paper, the clothes that don’t fit, and your now-teenagers’ childhood toys littered in your home is a significant first step in the journey to eliminating stress and unwanted things. Clearing your mental clutter is another powerful step in the process of truly simplifying your life.

What is mental clutter?

I define mental clutter as the thoughts that take up space in your mind, creating confusion, stress, and exhaustion. Mental clutter keeps you from thinking straight, making decisions and living intentionally. With intention, focus, and patience, you can clear it from your life just as easily as tossing those holey socks and worn towels.

Here are six ways to clear mental clutter:

Spend time in nature (without your phone).

When’s the last time you went somewhere without your phone? Do you even remember?

We’ve become so used to always having a phone that it feels unnatural to leave home without it. But being unplugged can help you settle into a few minutes or a few hours of much-needed downtime. Immerse yourself in nature and let your mind wander. Approach this time away with curiosity and engage your senses to notice the sights, sounds and smells around you. This experience is an opportunity to clear your mind and set your thoughts aside.

Do a brain dump

How often do you think about all the things you have to do? Maybe you have sticky notes, notes on your phone, or voicemails and emails spread out, all over reminding you of the many tasks you need to complete. A brain dump will help fix this.

Choose a central location, either a notepad or a digital app, to serve as your main brain dump location. Write an exhaustive list of everything you can think of that requires your attention. Just getting these thoughts out of your mind enables you to see them as a whole, sort them, and act on them. Knowing your responsibilities and having a plan to tackle them takes the swirling thoughts out of your mind, eliminating your stress.

Finish or let go of an unfinished project.

Do you have any unfinished projects in your life? I’m guessing your answer is “yes” based on what I’ve seen in my experience working with families to simplify their homes and lives. Whether it’s a broken ornament you’re planning to superglue back together, a scarf you had the best of intentions to knit, or the storage rack you bought on sale last year and planned to put up in the garage, unfinished projects abound in our homes and lives.

While these unfinished projects don’t seem to affect us on a day-to-day basis, they can drain our energy and contribute to our mental clutter more than we realize. What do you think about each day when you pull into the garage and walk around the storage rack box sitting on the floor? What happens when you see the yarn basket next to the couch each night? Being aware of these unfinished projects is a significant step in clearing this clutter.

With your brain dump, you’ll have a clear list of the unfinished projects in your life. Once you know what your unfinished projects are, you can decide what to do about them. Your options are simple: Finish the project, or let it go. If you’re planning to finish it, schedule the time, set a deadline, and purchase any needed supplies. Break it down into chunks or ask for help if needed.

For example, if “organize my pictures” has been on your list for years, ask family members to share the responsibilities and costs with you, set goals for each month, and schedule the time in your calendar. Make the project fun by planning family gatherings to work on it or listen to music as you sort and scan. Stay focused on your end goal, such as seeing all of your photos organized and digitized on your Nixplay frame and think about how great it will be to finally finish the project. Of course, if you have unfinished projects that no longer sound exciting or necessary, return products and supplies that you can, then donate the rest to an organization that would be happy to have them.

Focus on one thing at a time.

Do you ever feel like your mind is a computer browser with 22 tabs open, all needing your attention? Just like your computer can’t function well with too many programs running at the same time, neither can you. Research continues to show that multitasking isn’t effective.

Learn to start focusing on and fully finishing just one project at a time. Use your brain dump to prioritize what you need to work on and schedule time in your calendar to complete the steps. Choose to delegate tasks that others can do and delete things that really don’t need to be done after all. Be mindful when you find yourself inching back toward multitasking. Use this as a signal to shift gears and do another brain dump.

Clear a shelf, counter, or surface.

Just as your unfinished projects subtly steal your attention and drain your energy, so can cluttered shelves and surfaces in your home. Experiment with this by clearing one shelf in your home. Choose one that you see every day and clear everything from it. See if you can keep it this way for one week (or longer). Creating this white space gives your eyes and mind a chance to rest. See what you notice over time. As you learn to embrace this space, continue clearing areas around your home and clearing your mental clutter.

You don’t have to be super busy all the time. Using these tips, you can clear the mental clutter from your life and spend more time enjoying the space you create!

blog-founding fathers

7 Interesting Facts about the Founding Fathers

The Founding Fathers were an illustrious, accomplished lot, but behind their gilded titles and numerous accomplishments, they’re still human—albeit with more fascinating lives than most of us. Here are some interesting bits of trivia about them!

George Washington holds the highest rank in the U.S. Military.

While George Washington retired, he was a lieutenant general (three stars). However, his military contributions were incomparable: Aside from being the commander-in-chief that defeated the British in battle, he also set the standard on the organization and protocol of American soldiers. He was the father of the United States and its military, and he set a lot of precedents during his term. That’s why in 1976, congress signed a resolution that posthumously promoted Washington to the highest military rank: General of the Armies of the United States. The resolution also recommended that no officer of the U.S. Armed forces and should ever outrank him.

Thomas Jefferson helped popularize ice cream in the U.S.A.

Thomas Jefferson spent several years in France as a diplomat, and that was where he most likely tasted ice cream. When he returned to the U.S.A., he brought four ice molds with him and had his staff serve the frozen dessert in Monticello, his plantation in Virginia. There were also references of Jefferson serving ice cream during his term as president, usually served inside a pastry.

Benjamin Franklin is in the International Swimming Hall of Fame.

Benjamin Franklin, one of the most brilliant Americans of all time, was known for a lot of things: He was a great writer, a prolific inventor, and a founder and the first president of the University of Pennsylvania. But did you know that he was also a swimming ingenue? Franklin can do several swimming strokes, and he even invented wooden hand paddles to propel himself through the water. He was such a great swimmer, that a friend offered to help him launch a swimming school—an offer that he, quite surprisingly, did not take on.

John Jay retired from politics to become a farmer.

Sometimes, the simple life is the best. Take it from John Jay, the reserved, dignified oft-forgotten Founding Father whose accomplishments were just as notable as those of his peers. After a notable political career, in which he served as the first chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and the second governor of New York state, Jay retired to his farm in Westchester County, New York in 1801 and lived a quiet life mostly away from politics, advocating for education for African Americans and becoming the president of the American Bible Society.

John Adams was in a long-distance relationship with his wife.

John Adams’ role in the American Revolution and its aftermath caused him to spend long months with the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, far away from Abigail, who oversaw their farm in Braintree, Massachusetts. To keep the love alive, the Adamses wrote to one another constantly, sometimes penning multiple letters a day to each other. The accumulated 1,160 archived pieces of their correspondence provide valuable insights into America’s turbulent first years.

“Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favourable to them than your ancestors,” Abigail wrote to John. “If perticuliar care and attention is not paid to the Laidies we are determined to foment a Rebelion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation.”

James Madison was Princeton’s first graduate student.

James Madison attended Princeton University (then known as the College of New Jersey) from 1769 to 1771, finishing a four-year course in merely two years. Still undecided about what to do with his life after graduation, he stayed at Princeton for one more year to study Hebrew and other subjects under the tutelage of Princeton President John Witherspoon. Though he wasn’t formally awarded with an advanced degree, Princeton still recognizes him as its first graduate student.

Alexander Hamilton founded the oldest continuously published newspaper in the U.S.A.

Alexander Hamilton’s popularity has surged in recent years thanks to his namesake musical, but there are some things that weren’t tackled in the play. On November 16, 1801, “the ten-dollar founding father without a father” established a daily newspaper, the New-York Evening Post, along with other New York members of the Federalist Party. The paper eventually became the New York Post, one of the leading national papers up until this day.

Speaking of Hamilton, did you know that A. Ham himself, Lin-Manuel Miranda, got his mother-in-law a Nixplay frame for Christmas? Be like Lin and celebrate Independence Day with a Nixplay Frame of your own! Get 15% off selected frames, only until July 14!

independence day blog

5 Great Places Where You Can Celebrate The Fourth Of July

The Fourth of July is one of the biggest holidays in the U.S.A, marked by concerts, parties, and fireworks galore. But you have to admit: Some places are simply better than others at celebrating Independence Day. Here are the best cities to celebrate the Fourth at:

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia played a pivotal role in the United States’ independence: It was where the Declaration of Independence was written and signed in July 1776. You can expect several days of festivities in commemoration of the Fourth of July, with fireworks, parades, concerts, and other activities for the whole family. Don’t miss the chance to visit the National Museum of American Jewish History, as well as the Bartram’s Garden House, for free, and cap off the day at the Benjamin Franklin Parkway for the annual concert and fireworks.

New Orleans, Louisiana

Celebrate the Fourth of July in a uniquely American way at New Orleans! Stroll around the French Quarter, then camp out on the banks of the Mississippi River (or go on a river cruise) for the annual can’t-miss fireworks display featuring dueling barges. You can also check out the annual ESSENCE Festival, the largest celebration of African American music, beauty, entrepreneurship, and lifestyle. 2019 marks ESSENCE’s 25th anniversary, so you can expect workshops, experiences, and performances from some of the most iconic names in the music business.

Washington, D.C.

President Trump has outlined an all-new celebration for the Fourth of July, which he had christened “A Salute to America.” The program includes fireworks over the Potomac River, a military parade with tanks and “incredible flyovers,” and a speech from Mr. Trump himself. You can also watch a baseball game at Nationals Park, pay homage to the past presidents at the National Portrait Gallery, and check out the original copies of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights at the National Archives.

Boston, Massachusetts

Given Boston’s rich history, it’s not surprising that it’s one of the best places to spend the Fourth of July at. Every year, thousands of people flock to the city for the Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular for an evening of music and fireworks. Make sure to be there early to secure a great view of the stage!

Nashville, Tennessee

Music fans shouldn’t miss the chance to celebrate at Nashville! Aside from a full day of family-friendly activities, soccer matches, and free concerts from an amazing lineup of artists, you can’t miss the showstopping 30-minute fireworks display choreographed to a medley of songs by the GRAMMY award-winning Nashville Symphony. Tip: Go to Ascend Amphitheater or Riverfront Park for an amazing view of the fireworks!

PS: Celebrate Independence Day with Nixplay! Get 15% off selected frames beginning July 4!

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