Find out the difference between our various product lines- Nix, Nixplay and Nixplay Signage.
Creedon Technologies was founded in 2007- with the purpose of connecting people and their memories, through technology. We found a foothold in the digital photo frame market early.We now have three main product lines- Nix, Nixplay and Nixplay Signage.
Our product line started with NIX- a traditional digital photo frame that allowed playback of video and photo through USB and SD card ports. These frames need to be pre loaded with pictures. Nix frames cannot be updated with real time images.NIX Advance frames allow you to play HD videos and photos in the same Slideshow in 720p HD Video Formats: MP4 (H.264 HD 720p AAC) Moreover, the Nix Advance frame has a fast processor so you can view thousands of photos and videos from your inserted USB stick or SD/SDHC card All the frames in the NIX Advance range look the same and only differ in size. Though, one of the bonus points of NIX Frames is the clock and calendar function. It even has a motion sensor, so the Nix Advance turns on when you enter the room to display the most recent photos & videos and turns off when you leave.
After understanding the troubles of our customers that were far from home, we started Nixplay Frames. The Nixplay range offers Wi-Fi enabled digital photo frames that connect your memories with your loved one’s . Our current range has evolved from the Nixplay Original to our newest product- Nixplay Iris. The evolution of our products has allowed various sizes, motion sensors, sleeker designs and of course- top of the line customer service. The Nixplay frame combines beautifully designed hardware . It also allows you to use the cloud based photo management.
Nixplay frames come in four distinctly different product ranges- Seed, Iris, Original and Edge. The Edge and Original are wall mountable and use both the wi-fi cloud management platform and the old USB/ SD function. Whereas the new nixplay Iris and Seed do not have these features. You will be able to follow the evolution of our products by looking at the Original and the Edge and comparing them to the Seed and the Iris. The Nixplay Original and Edge have basic design and only variate in terms of size, whereas the Iris allows variation in colour and the Seed allows both colour and size variations. You will also notice advanced resolution.
Nixplay Signage
Moreover, our newest product range is Nixplay Signage. Nixplay Signage is conceived from user feedback of our consumer products. Consumers wanted bigger frames, with an enterprise level cloud management platform. Our customers are core, so over two years of efforts we have developed Nixplay signage, larger hardware that works on the Nixplay Signage platform. It allows companies to manage their content, schedules and on various screens around the world. Check out Nixplay Signage for your business now!

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at