Digital frames are perfect for displaying your digital photos, but there’s a lot more you can do with them besides run through your photo playlists. We wrote about some of these in our post 6 Creative Uses for Nixplay Frames. From using it as a monster-scaring nightlight for kids to a graphic novel display, our customers gave us some amazing ideas for how to incorporate a Nixplay frame into family life.
But there’s even more you can do! Here’s a list of a five more creative ways you can use your digital frame.
1. Use it to set the mood for a party.
If you’ve got an event or gathering coming up, you can use your Nixplay frame as part of the decor or to set the mood. Having friends over for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres? Load some images of views from the best lounge or restaurant you visited on your recent business trip, or pictures of nighttime skylines from cities around the world.
If you’re hosting a celebration, like a graduation party or going-away party, you can create a special playlist just for the event. Compile images of your graduate through the years, starting with baby pictures and going through today, or special pictures of the family who’s moving. Create a matching music playlist on your iPod, and you’ve got a perfect party starter.
2. Use your frame to help you de-stress.
Everyone can use a little help de-stressing now and then, and a digital frame can be a perfect visual aid. Upload soothing, calming photos of nature and place it on your desk at work or in a room where you spend a lot of time at home.
The best part of this is that you can change out the entire playlist whenever you like, adding or deleting new beautiful photos as you find them.
3. Use the frame to help welcome guests at your place of business.
Digital frames can also be a wonderful way to make guests feel more welcome when they come to your office or store. A digital frame with a smooth, modern design, like the Nixplay Iris, will fit perfectly in a reception area or doctor’s waiting room.
Retail businesses can use digital frames in a variety of ways to showcase their products. Clothing stores might mount digital frames in dressing rooms, to display style ideas or “how to wear” images. Interior designers and other home design businesses could use a digital frame in their showrooms, loading the frame with photos of their best work.
4. Turn it into an educational tool.
Digital frames can make great educational tools, as teachers know quite well. But whether you’re a teacher or not, you can still get some great use out of your frame by using it as a way to display trivia, historical facts, or vocabulary words.
This can be a fun addition to an office as well as the home.
5. Use it as a motivational tool.
Do you have a trip you’re saving up for, a career change you’re working toward, or another major life goal? Your digital frame can become a way to visualize that goal, helping you work harder toward meeting it.
If it’s a vacation you’re saving for, try loading the frame with images of the place you want to go. For career changers or people seeking promotion, create playlists of inspirational pictures – you could even include some motivational quotes. This will work just as well for other goals, too, from weight loss, to fitness, to education.
Digital frames have a number of uses beyond displaying the latest photos taken with your smartphone. With some creativity and effort, you can use your digital frame to bring a little extra joy into your home, your office, and your life. To find out which frame is best suited for your purposes, check out our post on finding the perfect frame for your family.

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at