Tag: mental health

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Eine Nachricht von Ihrer Nixplay-Familie

So viel hat sich in den letzten Wochen geändert. Das Nixplay Team arbeitet weiterhin unermüdlich (natürlich von zu Hause aus), um Ihnen zu helfen, in diesen schwierigen Zeiten mit Familie und Freunden in Verbindung zu bleiben. Ihre kontinuierliche Unterstützung bedeutet, dass wir:

  • sicherstellen können, dass alle Mitglieder des Team Nixplay weiterhin für ihre Familien sorgen und bei Bedarf auf Gesundheitsdienste zugreifen können.
  • unsere Lieferkette aufrechterhalten und in dieser entscheidenden Zeit Hunderte von Menschen beschäftigen können.
  • Ihnen helfen können mit Ihrer Familie und Ihren Freunden in Verbindung zu bleiben und gleichzeitg die sozialen Distanzierungsmaßnahmen einzuhalten.

Wir hoffen, dass es Ihnen und Ihrer Familie in diesen beispiellosen Zeiten trotzdem gut geht. Mögen die Fotos und Videos auf Ihren Nixplay Rahmen Sie an schöner Zeiten erinnern und Ihnen dabei helfen diese schwierige Zeit zu meistern.

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4 Ways to Help A Survivor of Brain Injury

Caregiving for a loved one with a brain injury can cause stress in many ways. Family members of individuals with memory disorders resulting from injury report that the main problem is not the injury itself but the ambiguity it causes.

Adding to the stress, unpredictable memory loss brings a rollercoaster of absence and presence. While each survivor’s recovery is unique and many experience lifelong consequences, there are strategies to cope with these uncertainties:

Awareness and Education

Family members should try to gain as much information about brain injury as possible. Knowledge increases confidence and may reduce the anxiety that many feel when confronted with the unknown. The Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey has an extensive guide, available in English and Spanish, that outlines what families can expect after a loved one has sustained a brain injury.

Connection with a Support Group

Joining a support group will help both family and survivor connect with people going through similar circumstances. This provides social and emotional support—a safe place to vent frustrations, share ideas and learn new strategies. Brands like Nixplay can also offer survivors of brain injury, their families and friends a way to unite the moments from the past and present. Memories shared in photographs can help reinforce a support system which is crucial to brain injury rehabilitation.

A “Both/And” Mindset for Family Members

Caregivers are encouraged to adopt a “both/and” mindset as opposed to an “either/or.” For example, rather than thinking the care recipients have to be either here or gone, think of them as here and gone. This type of thinking is thought to be less stressful over time and practice.

Keeping it Simple

For people who have sustained a brain injury, memory issues can present different kinds of challenges. Memory changes are common even after a mild concussion, often a result of injury to the frontal and temporal lobes and limbic system. To cope, researchers suggest “keeping it simple.” Break information down into smaller pieces and try to keep a routine. Having an organized life can help reduce the burden of memory and learning. Using memory aids, such as calendars, lists, and notebooks, will help recovery of important details.

If you or someone you know is struggling with the impacts of brain injury, you can contact BIANJ Helpline at 1-800-669-4323. You can also donate to vital programs and services advocating for brain injury survivors.

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4 Easy Ways to Instantly Improve Your Mental Health

There’s some stigma attached to mental health problems, but the fact remains that these are issues which a surprisingly large portion of the global population deal with. Fortunately, it’s a topic that is garnering more and more attention in recent years, and for good reason.

Although serious problems require professional help, these four easy ways to instantly improve your mental health should help brighten your spirits in times of woe. Read on.

1. Exercise

Exercise is a natural endorphin-releasing activity, and although you may not always feel like going to the gym or doing strenuous exercise, you’ll naturally feel much better after doing so. Generally speaking, the better your body’s health is, the better your mind’s health becomes. Exercise for at least 20 minutes a day and track your progress to make it a part of your daily routine.

2. Take pictures

If you’re looking for a hobby that is relatively easy to pick up, photography is always a great choice. Whether you’re taking snaps on your smartphone or capturing long-exposure shots with a high-end DSLR camera, producing and retouching photos is one of the most calming hobbies out there, especially if you’re in a beautiful natural environment. You could even display your images on your Nixplay Wi-Fi Cloud Frame to remind you of your favorite memories. Your Nixplay Frame can also serve as a portfolio of sorts, helping you gain pride in your accomplishments.

3. Don’t be shy to ask for help

Whether you need serious help or you just need to get some problems off your chest, suffering in silence is sure to lead down a slippery slope if you’re not careful. When you feel like you’re not coping well with life, it’s best to talk to someone who can help you. It doesn’t have to be a psychologist–a close friend or family member whom you can confide in can still do wonders for your mental health.

4. Make time for yourself

We all need a little time to ourselves, no matter how much we love the people whom we surround ourselves with. Whether its 30 minutes in a nice bath or a couple of hours on Netflix, it’s important to unwind by yourself from time to time. This simple act of self-care goes a long way in keeping your mental health and stability in check.

Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at marianne.salazar@nixplay.com.

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