Welcome back to our nixplay blog and hope you’re having a lovely Easter! Last Friday, we gave you 5 simple tips on how to prepare a fun Easter photo shoot with your family. As promised, here are our top 5 photos from the nixplay Easter photo shoot:
1. Happy Bunnies!
2. Bunny Baby
3. Bubble Break
4. “Did you say Chocolate Easter Eggs?”
5. Easter Egg Fun
Everyone had a fun and amazing time at the nixplay photo shoot. Energy was high as we provided the kids with Easter themed props/gifts. Now that our photo shoot is finished, we can’t wait to see your photos!
The nixplay team really want to see your Easter fun-filled weekend so share your photos by using the hashtags #nixplay #nixplayeaster on your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter Easter photos.

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.