Never in the history of mankind has information ever been so easily accessible. Whether you’re looking for the latest celebrity gossip or a new scientific study, everything you need to know can be accessed online.
Unfortunately, companies looking to increase their sales know this as well. And they’re not afraid to use the latest technology to learn as much as they could about you.
To find out how privacy issues affect American online behavior, Nixplay surveyed 2,003 Americans in partnership with market research company InnovateMR. Below are some surprising findings:

“Memories of our friends and family are meant to be shared but privacy and safety concerns – especially regarding our children – are not something to be taken lightly,” said Nixplay’s Founder and CEO, Mark Palfreeman. “Although social media seems to be the prime medium for sharing life’s experiences, we created Nixplay as a safe place to share those intimate memories and most precious moments with family and close friends. With end-to-end encryption, Nixplay has taken every precaution possible to anonymize your content and keep it for your eyes only.”
More information about the study is available upon request via