Have you heard of the Internet of Things? Even if you haven’t, you probably have heard of some of the technology included under this new category – thermostats you can set remotely, home security cameras you can monitor online, even digital WiFi cloud frames you can send photos to in an instant. All of these things fall under the new moniker of the Internet of Things – basically, it’s just another name for any WiFi connected devices other than the standard computers, phones, and tablets.
Tech gurus are raving about the changes the Internet of Things will bring to every aspect of modern life, from work to school to home. But since we’re all about the family here at Nixplay, we decided to share our take on how these connected devices will affect your family life. It just might surprise you!
More Control
It’s not hard to see how connected devices will give you more control over the experiences your family has, and the environment they live in. From being able to make sure the temperature is right when you all get home from work and school each evening, to having the ability to keep an eye on security if your older kids are home alone, remote access to important home systems gives you significantly more control over your family life.
More Freedom
The fact that most tech included in the Internet of Things can be controlled remotely means that you’re no longer tethered to a certain location or time when you want to get certain things done. You’re free to take care of whatever you need to do at any time, and in any place. This frees you from worries, as well, giving you the peace of mind that yes, you can lock the front door from your workplace, even if you forgot on your way out, or no, you don’t have to worry about that new babysitter, since you can keep an eye on her from your tablet the whole time you’re out.
More Focus on Family
Finally, all of this new technology allows families to renew their focus on – each other. When you’ve got a million worries and to-dos running through your head, even if they’re insignificant on their own, they add up, and take away from your focus. But when you know all your bases are covered, you can relax and devote your full attention to your family. Some Internet of Things tech even makes a focus on the family its main goal – like Nixplay’s WiFi photo frames. Our digital photo frames not only make precious family memories the centerpiece of any room, with the slideshow of your favorite pictures playing on a loop, they also allow families to connect, no matter how far apart they live, by allowing users to upload photos to family members’ frames remotely for instant display.
Giving families more control, more freedom, and more room in their lives to connect with each other, the Internet of Things is definitely a big step in the right direction. We hear so much about how technology can pull family members apart – it’s refreshing to know that there is a movement to use tech to bring people closer together, too. And we’re proud to be on the forefront of that movement. Check out our selection of WiFi Cloud Frames to choose which ones you’ll give to family and friends.

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.