Mother’s Day brunches, breakfast in bed, and flowers are all lovely ways to celebrate mom on her special day.
But how about celebrations that include the whole family? After all, a little quality time is always in order – especially if mom or dad has been especially busy with work or other obligations recently. Mother’s Day is the perfect time to put away all other distractions and focus solely on what matters: family.
Here are a few ideas for ways to celebrate Mother’s Day as a family.
Declare a screen-free day.
Most of us know by now how detrimental screen time can be for growing brains. But our electronics in general are pulling us all away from each other, and cutting into time that families used to spend together.
Enjoy some real quality time together by having everyone in the family take a break from their phones and tablets. If you can make it a full day, go for it! If not, shoot for a full morning or afternoon, and use that time to play a game together, get outside, or do something else fun as a family.
Host a casual Mother’s Day get-together for a few families.
If you have other families that you and your kids are close to, why not share the love and host a little get-together to celebrate all the moms?
There’s no need to get elaborate. You can host anything from a simple cook-out outside, to an ice cream sundae bar or dessert hour. A fun idea for moms with daughters is a fancy mother-daughter tea, complete with finger sandwiches and petit fours.
Go through your photos together.
Have a whole stack (or folder on your computer) of family photos that you haven’t looked at in a while? Gather together as a family and go through them, reminiscing or telling stories about the pictures you see.
If your family is into arts and crafts, you could take some of the photos and make a family collage. You could also put hard copy photos into photo albums, or organize your digital photos into playlists on your Nixplay WiFi Cloud Digital Frame.
Visit a museum, park, or garden.
Chances are there are a lot of fun activities to do in your town or a nearby city that you may not have experienced as a family. Museums, parks, botanical gardens, a zoo or aquarium – there are all kinds of places that are just a little bit special and make for excellent family outings.
Write a story or paint a picture together.
Indulge your creativity as a family and create a work of art together! The kids will get a kick out of being creative with mom, and you’ll get to enjoy the freedom of being a kid again.
If you want to write a family story, start your kids off with a simple prompt – “It was a dark and stormy night…” always works – and take turns adding elements to the story. Write it down or record it with your phone so you can all enjoy this moment again years down the road.
Painting, coloring, or drawing together can also be great fun. You can work on your own individual works of art if you like, but consider making a collaborative painting or drawing, too. These can not only foster a greater sense of togetherness, but they’re also a unique way to teach kids about teamwork.
Mother’s Day is about mom, of course, but it’s also about family. Celebrate the beauty of family together this Mother’s Day – for more ideas, read “5 Surprises for Mom This Mother’s Day.”

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at