March 8, Sunday, marks International Women’s Day, the global celebration of all things women. It’s the best day to honor all the achievements and opportunities created throughout history by women globally: A day created to encourage solidarity among all women and to celebrate how, with courage, strength, and passion, they were able to endure and overcome so much.
This day belongs to all women, and if you’re looking to celebrate it with some self-care for yourself and the women around you, here is how to do it:
Reflect On Your Accomplishments
Start your day right by reflecting on all the things you have accomplished this year, big or small. Acknowledge all that you have done and appreciate your self-growth! You are not the same person you were yesterday, so take time to recognize that. Make a list of all the major events of the past year and the women that have helped you achieve them. This day is not only for the women of the past, but also for the phenomenal women who have influenced you today.
However, while you should acknowledge your accomplishments, you should also recognize any setbacks you have had in the past year. Setbacks help create a path for improvement. Use them as a learning opportunity and don’t be overly critical: It’s perfectly normal to make mistakes!
In addition, make sure you don’t stray from your path to self-improvement by setting achievable, realistic, and time-bound goals. This will help you focus on where you want to see yourself in the next year. It will help you build your confidence and see the beauty in your growth while making you appreciative of how far you have come.
Relax, You Deserve It
Life can get overwhelmingly chaotic at times, so take the time to sit back and breathe. Self-care is essential to living a well-balanced life, but it can be challenging to practice self-care when your worth is centered around your social media presence. Make an effort to turn your phone off for a couple of hours and take a break. Go for a walk to unwind and enjoy a change of scenery. Refresh yourself throughout the day by meditating or practicing mindfulness techniques to alleviate stress. You might feel silly at first, but you’ll find that even simply putting on your favorite playlist and having a dance party in your bedroom can lift your spirits and get the day going on the right foot.
You can also pamper yourself with an at-home spa day. Treat yourself to a massage at home, or spend the day reading your favorite book with a sheet mask on. What’s important here is that you can relax and unwind for the day, and if that means lazing around in bed, then do exactly that! Your mental health should always be important, but make it a priority during this year’s International Woman’s Day by celebrating and supporting your overall well-being.
Take Yourself Out
This is your day, so do what you want! Spend a whole afternoon at your favorite coffee shop or take yourself out to a nice lunch. Prioritize a day of your favorite things, and make it your mission to do them all. If you aren’t sure where to start, then make a list and call your girlfriends to help! This can turn into a fun yearly activity to do with your pals or by yourself.
If you aren’t one to indulge, then let today be the exception! If you have been eyeing a pair of jeans or workout shoes, then allow yourself to spend a little extra. Spending money on yourself will remind you that it is okay to appreciate yourself every once in a while. If you hate the way your nails look, then go get a manicure with a vibrant color. Or, if hair loss is making you feel insecure, then buy yourself some biotin gummy vitamins to help encourage thicker hair growth. Regardless of what you’re spending your hard-earned money on, enjoy yourself and take care of your individual needs!
Visit Important Women In Your Life
Who is the most influential woman in your life? Is it a family member, a friend, or even a past employer? Regardless of who it is, take time to cherish and remind her of the important role she has played in your life. Send her an e-card with a personalized message or gift her with a special photograph of the two of you, displayed on a Nixplay Frame. There are countless ways to show your admiration for the women in your life.
If you can’t think of any woman that has had that effect on your life, then go out and meet some! Join a club or activity that will get you to interact with different types of women.
If you want to do something bigger than usual but don’t know where to start, then host a women’s empowerment brunch at your house or apartment. This can be a fun way to gather women with different viewpoints on life and have them all share inspirational stories of womanhood. You can play games or share quotes from your favorite women in history. Whatever you do, make sure you surround yourself with strong women who not only can uplift you but can also challenge you to be the best version of yourself. And, who knows, this might even become a yearly tradition!
Donate to Support Woman’s Rights
If you’re scratching your head on how to give back to all the women who have paved the way before you, then donate. Donating shouldn’t mean breaking the bank because even a small donation can go a long way. Donate to an inspiring charity that helps protect women’s rights, such as Planned Parenthood or Women for Women International. You can choose to donate monthly or just once. Find an organization whose values and mission align with yours. Supporting these organizations means you are also supporting the cause for equal women’s rights.
You can also donate your time to a women’s organization by finding the nearest women’s community clinic and asking about their volunteer hours. You can also gather clothes or canned goods around your house and donate them to a battered women’s shelter. Or, you can support brands that are giving back in honor of International Women’s Day and are donating their proceeds to support woman’s rights.

However you chose to celebrate International Women’s Day, remember that it is a day for women of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds, so make sure you honor yourself and them all!