Why Everyone in Your Family Needs A Nixplay Iris

Nixplay Iris always steals the spotlight! Not only is this one a showstopper, with its beautiful brushed metal finish but when you connect with our Nixplay app and see your photos released from the confines of your phone…nothing can replace that feeling of winning over your loved ones by sharing your moments for all to see.

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The Nixplay Iris is a WiFi digital photo frame. This means that you can send images to it through email, mobile or social media. All you need to do is pair a frame to your account and it’s ready to go in a couple of seconds, you can set up playlists and send them straight to your frame.

There are two ways to go if you’re the one buying a Nixplay Iris for various members of your family. Either way, everyone gets memories updated on their Nixplay frame, within moments.

You can buy the frames and pair them to one main account ( i.e. your account)- In this way you control all the pictures that go on their frames. This is a good idea when you’re the technologically savvy one in your family and everyone else doesn’t mind you controlling their frames.

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You help the different members of your family pair their individual frames to their individual Nixplay accounts. Once this is done, you can add them as friends on your own Nixplay account and send them playlists with your images. All this with the tap of a button.

Nixplay Iris is a unique digital photo frame, not only does it look great in anyone’s home ( it comes in peach copper, silver or burnished bronze,) but it’s designed for connectivity. We know modern families are increasingly moving away from home and are dispersed around the world.

The true value of a Nixplay Iris WiFi Cloud Frame ( and our mobile app) is that you can share one playlist with the folks, another playlist with the siblings, and yet another playlist with your friends. The more frames you have connected to your network, the more memories can be shared at the tap of a button- to whom you want, when your want. And they can share back!

So the next time your little one has a birthday party and her grandparents or aunt and uncle can’t make it, just take pictures and send them in real time to their frames. Then they have these memories, displayed in their homes for however long they need.

What is the Difference between Nix, Nixplay and Nixplay Signage?

Find out the difference between our various product lines- Nix, Nixplay and Nixplay Signage.

Creedon Technologies was founded in 2007- with the purpose of connecting people and their memories, through technology. We found a foothold in the digital photo frame market early.We now have three main product lines- Nix, Nixplay and Nixplay Signage.


Our product line started with NIX- a traditional digital photo frame that allowed playback of video and photo through USB and SD card ports. These frames need to be pre loaded with pictures. Nix frames cannot be updated with real time images.NIX Advance frames allow you to play HD videos and photos in the same Slideshow in 720p HD Video Formats: MP4 (H.264 HD 720p AAC)  Moreover, the Nix Advance frame has a fast processor so you can view thousands of photos and videos from your inserted USB stick or SD/SDHC card All the frames in the NIX Advance range look the same and only differ in size. Though, one of the bonus points of NIX Frames is the clock and calendar function. It even has a motion sensor, so the Nix Advance turns on when you enter the room to display the most recent photos & videos and turns off when you leave.


After understanding the troubles of our customers that were far from home, we started Nixplay Frames. The Nixplay range offers Wi-Fi enabled digital photo frames that connect your memories with your loved one’s . Our current range has evolved from the Nixplay Original to our newest product- Nixplay Iris. The evolution of our products has allowed various sizes, motion sensors, sleeker designs and of course- top of the line customer service. The Nixplay frame combines beautifully designed hardware . It also allows you to use the cloud based photo management.

Nixplay frames come in four distinctly different product ranges- Seed, Iris, Original and Edge. The  Edge and Original are wall mountable and use both the wi-fi cloud management platform and the old USB/ SD function. Whereas the new nixplay Iris and Seed do not have these features. You will be able to follow the evolution of our products by looking at the Original and the Edge and comparing them to the Seed and the Iris. The Nixplay Original and Edge have basic design and only variate in terms of size, whereas the Iris allows variation in colour and the Seed allows both colour and size variations. You will also notice advanced resolution.

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Nixplay Signage

Moreover, our newest product range is Nixplay Signage. Nixplay Signage is conceived from user feedback of our consumer products. Consumers wanted bigger frames, with an enterprise level cloud management platform. Our customers are core, so over two years of efforts we have developed Nixplay signage, larger hardware that works on the Nixplay Signage platform. It allows companies to manage their content, schedules and  on various screens around the world. Check out Nixplay Signage for your business now!

What is Singles’ Day?

Singles’ Day is quickly becoming a global shopping festival, Nixplay digital photo frames answers the main question on your mind, “What is Singles’ Day?”

Are you weary of seeing people in relationships everywhere you look? Especially on Valentine’s day, when they give the flower and chocolate industries an undeserving boost in sales? You’re in luck.

In the 1990’s, a group of students in China began to celebrate being single- as a sort of “anti-valentines day”. Taking its name from the date 11.11- this day has spiralled into a global phenomenon called Singles’ Day.

                                                      Source: www.someecards.com

Adept readers of the Nixplay family have already identified that the name 11.11 consists of one.one.one.one, aptly matching the celebration of being single. Additionally, it’s often referred to as “bare sticks” holiday in China, because of the way it looks. ( But, with $20 billion in sales on singles’ day in 2016, it’s clear that people are quite happy being “bare sticks.”)

On Singles’ Day, young men and women use the opportunity to go to karaoke bars, movies and just generally, hang out without needing a significant other. But it was only in 2009, that Singles’ Day sprawled into an online shopping spectacle. Ecommerce giant Alibaba ( deemed as the largest online commerce company in the world, by Wall Street Journal), turned it into an online shopping frenzy. Now, most ecommerce channels in China offer discounts to consumers on 11.11. From facials to digital photo frames, you can gift yourself anything on 11.11, Singles’ Day . Let us know in the comments section below whom you buy your Nixplay digital photo frames for!

Plus, shopping on Singles’ Day won’t burn a hole in your wallet because everything is on discount on 11.11 in China. Singles’ Day is often compared to the likes of Cyber Monday and Black Friday in the west, except it’s bigger. According to Forbes, it is now the biggest online shopping event in the world.

Everyone loves a discount. So as you read this blog, I’m sure you’re feeling a little left out from the action, that is probably happening miles away from you. Don’t worry, Nixplay digital photo frames loves to look out for the Nixplay family. To bring you a little piece of the “11.11 Global Shopping Festival” or “Singles’ Day”, we’re offering fantastic one day discounts- up to 20% off all Nixplay WiFi Cloud Frames. Remember to leave a comment below ( or answer our Facebook or Twitter poll) about whom you buy your Nixplay Digital Photo Frames for. Who knows, your answers may just lead our discount decisions for next year. Unlike most people, we love listening to the advice of our family!

Last Minute Halloween Costumes For Kids

Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas For Children

Let’s just put it out there: You’re not the only one who forgot to organize a Halloween costume for your child this year. But now it’s the day of the party, and you really have to stretch to the limits of your imagination for those children’s costume ideas. So, we’ve done the thinking for you!

Quick, easy and simple, be sure to treasure the memories with some photos, perfectly displayed on one of our Nixplay Digital Photo Frames.


Emoji Halloween Costumes For Kids

You can get really creative with this one–and get your kids involved too! All you need is a large cardboard box, some scissors, string and paint.

Cut the cardboard into a large circle, get some yellow paint, and create the base for your emoji costume. The rest is up to you. Just choose your favourite emoji, or the one you think best suits your child, and paint the face onto your yellow canvas! 

To finish it off, pierce two holes at the top, thread the string and turn your emoji face into a necklace.

And there you have it: A quick, easy kid’s Halloween costume!

Halloween Mummy

This one may be pretty basic, but it’s an absolute classic. Simply gather all the toilet paper in your house (don’t worry, you can pick some more up at the grocery store tomorrow), or a roll of bandages may be more robust. Dress your kid in all-white, and get wrapping! Leave some strands of toilet paper hanging from the body for the complete mummified-effect, or go one step further and add some black face paint to the eyes! 

Bag of jelly beans

Last Minute Jelly Beans Halloween Costumes For Kids

This last minute Halloween costume involves blowing up a lot of balloons, so if you have an air pump handy for birthday parties, you’d best bring it out.

You will need:

1.Various colored balloons

2. A clear trash bag

3. Scissors

Cut 4 holes in a clear trash bag for arms and legs and get your child to wear it. Blow up a couple of different colored balloons, enough to fill the trash bag, and tie the bag loosely around your child’s nect. And there you have it, your own little bag of jelly beans!

Hershey’s Kiss

Hershey’s Kisses Children’s Costume Idea

You will need:

1.Wire hangers

2.A hula hoop

3. Chart paper strip

4. Lots and lots of foil

This last-minute Halloween costume is so adorable, you’ll want all the kisses!

First create the foil cap by layering and molding sheets of foil into a conical shape. Use a strip of white chart paper and write ‘Hershey’s’ on it in blue. The first part of your two-part, last minute Halloween costume is done!

The main costume is a little harder. Bend the hangers into a straight shape and attach the ends to a hula hoop using lots of duct tape. Attach one of the wire hangers into a circular shape so it can fit on the top of your child’s body, and attach to the rest of the shape. Now, use foil to cover the wire shape you’ve created. There you have it, give your little one a big kiss!

Stranger Things Kids

This one’s pretty easy–and it’s certainly on-trend. All you need are your kids’ bikes, some 80’s style clothes, and a group of friends! If you’ve got time, a trip to the thrift store should sort you out. And for a little extra something, pull out the battery-powered multi-colored Christmas lights.


Best ideas for halloween costumes, last minute ideas for halloween costumes by nixplay digital photo frames

Source: www.fabeveryday.com

This kids’ Halloween costume is far from despicable! All you need is:

  1. Yellow full sleeves hoodie
  2. Denim Overalls
  3. Thread pipe cleaners
  4. Toilet paper roll
  5. Black chart paper

Before you start, pull out the yellow hoodies and denim overalls.

Take the empty toilet paper roll, estimate an inch from both sides, and cut it off. Glue together the pieces you have cut off. If you have time, spray paint them silver. Then, cut a strip of the black chart paper, roughly the size of your child’s head. Staple the chart paper strip to the toilet roll spectales.

By this time, the kids have already put on their clothes (and have possibly guessed that this a last-minute Halloween costume attempt!) Cut the black thread pipe cleaners into small pieces and pull the bottoms through the cloth on the hoodie. Then, make the kids put on the spectacles you’ve made. Et voila, you have your little minions!

8 Easy And Witty Halloween Costume Ideas

We love pictures!  If you try any of the ideas above, or just fancy sharing photos of your ideas for kids’ Halloween costumes, share them with us. If you don’t already know about Nixplay digital photo frames, they allow you to share your trick-or-treat memories and other special events with your family. With just a few clicks, using your phone, social media or email, you can share your precious moments with loved ones using our Nixplay digital photo frames. 

3 Tips for Incredible Portrait Photographs

Three Portrait Photo Tips for better pictures

“Make sure I look great,” we’ve heard that request too. Every time a friend or family member asks us to take a portrait photograph, we get a little competitive to make sure it’s the best portrait photo of them. After a lot of trial, error and reading we’ve come up with tips for incredible portrait photos. No hidden agenda, except, of course- we want the pictures on your Nixplay Photo Frame to look great!

1.Use the rule of thirds:

Firstly, the rule of thirds is a very basic portrait photography technique that can be quite hard to master ( talking from experience.) Mentally break down the portrait photograph you’re going to take into 3×3 squares. Remember viewers eye’s are most drawn to the intersection points in the grid. So think about what the most important parts of the photograph will be and place them accordingly. Pictures using the rule of thirds, look really great on Nixplay Digital Photo frames like the Nixplay Seed. Place the frame in covered patio or the living room and you will make your house guests jealous!

2.Don’t be scared to get close:

Our second portrait photo tip is that we’ve observed a lot of portrait photos and noticed that often, the subject is too far away. To make an impact, the subject needs to be big enough to be seen clearly and make an impact on the viewer. Now, don’t take that as – get them so close that we can only see the blackheads on their nose. I mean, unless that’s what you were aiming for. Close up portrait photos look great on wall mounted Nixplay Digital photo frames, the Nixplay Edge is a great choice.

3.Focus on the eyes:

Here’s our third, final photo tip for portraits. When looking at a portrait photo, notice that your eyes will always look at the subject’s eyes first (no, that was not an intentional tongue twister.) Make sure the eyes are sharp and in focus. Additionally, if you want to make sure the lighting and angle is perfect- move your camera around until you can see the light reflect in your subjects eyes! 

Bonus Technical tip: Exposure Compensation

Keep in mind that in photography, one exposure setting does not fit all. Your camera may underexpose someone of a lighter skin tone and overexpose someone with a darker skin tone.  Backgrounds of extreme light or darkness can also trick the camera. The easiest way to deal with this is to navigate to your camera’s exposure compensation control. To lighten up faces go dial up the stops ( i.e. +1) and to let less light in dial it down (i.e. -1) The Nixplay Iris dims and brightens your photos based on the light level- lucky for you that once you’ve fixed your exposure compensation, you don’t need to worry about the display on your Nixplay digital photo frame. 

If these tips were helpful, share your enhanced portrait photographs with us in the comments section or tag us on facebook, instagram or twitter.  We’d love it if you show us how the portraits look on your Nixplay Digital Photo Frame! #Nixplayphototips

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