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cute pet corgi dog animal photography on nixplay

4 Animal Photography Tips You Should Try With Your Pet

It’s said that you should never work with children or animals, and this certainly rings true when trying to conduct a photo session with one of your pets. You may know them and their behavior like the back of your hand, but when it’s time to look good in front of the lens, pets can be rather difficult to work with.

Here, we have compiled four animal photography tips that you should try with your pet. Let us know if they work!

1. Use treats

Although your dog or cat may have an idea as to what’s going on when you try to get them to do certain things, they definitely don’t understand the notion of “posing”, let alone animal photography. Because of this, the easiest way to get them to look in a certain direction is by luring them with treats or toys. They’ll be camera-ready in no time!

2. Play the waiting game

If you want to take a certain picture of your pet but they’re just not playing ball, consider simply waiting around nearby with a camera in your hands. You cannot communicate what you want your pet to do, and it may be a good idea to wait for them to “naturally” pose before taking that elusive picture.

If you’re taking part in a professional animal photography shoot, then the pet is likely to be excited or nervous at first, so be sure to remain patient and allow them to get the nerves out of their system.

cute pet corgi dog animal photography on nixplay

The nicest animal photography shots are usually taken at the most unexpected moments.

3. Use natural light

If you’re new to animal photography or just photography in general, you’ll quickly learn that natural light is one of the easiest and best light sources to work with. It’s especially nice when the daylight is naturally soft and diffused on a cloudy day, making for a pleasing picture. Windows and windowsills are also great for this purpose, as the glass tends to soften the daylight even further, making for a flattering photo.

4. Take notes from sports photography

When photographers are taking pictures of sporting events, they tend to use fast shutter speeds, burst mode, and continuous autofocus. Despite the fact that we’re talking about animal photography here, the ethos is very much the same.

A fast shutter speed (preferably at least 1/250) allows you to capture still-looking pictures of a pet that won’t sit still, while activating the burst mode means that you’ll take a flurry of pictures, at least one of which will hopefully be perfect. The continuous autofocus mode is designed to prevent your images from lacking sharpness, making your animal photography as hassle-free as possible.

Animal photography is no walk in the park, but with these top tips, you should be able to get that perfect snap in no time! Besides, taking photos of your cute companion will never be a waste of time. They love you unconditionally, and it’s nice to always be reminded of your furry best friend. Don’t forget to display your pet photos on your Nixplay Digital Photo Frame! Take advantage of our back-to-school sale and buy the Nixplay Seed 8-Inch Wi-Fi Cloud Frame to get up to 30% off!

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.

Use a Nixplay Cloud Photo Frame as a Private Social Network for your Family

The Easiest Way To Create A Private Social Network For Your Family

Bigger is sometimes better, and this rings true for family. The bigger your clan is, the more love there is to go around.

However, working out how to keeping in touch can be a challenge if you’re in a big family. After a while, you find it difficult to keep track of who lives where, who does what, and which kid belongs to whom. It’s confusing, sure, but it’s all part and parcel of belonging to a large, happy clan.

This was certainly the case for Chris Hansen, who lives in Colorado but has family in Ohio, Minnesota, Utah, and Arizona.

“Since our family is so big, you can almost lose touch if you’re not on social media or not visiting on Christmas,” he says.

After exploring several options, the Hansens decided to get Nixplay frames, which offered an easy and convenient way to share photos in real time and gave them the opportunity to try family networking in a unique way.

“We settled on Nixplay because of the cloud function, where we could send it straight from our phones,” says Chris. “We really can share everything and not have to worry about [our photos being] out on the internet for everybody. It’s kind of like your own family’s internal social network.”

Get inspired by how the Hansens use their frames in this video:


How To Share Photos Privately

With a Nixplay Wi-Fi Cloud Photo Frame, you can view, display and share photos with family and create your own private social network. We understand how important safety and security is online, which is why we want to give you some quick tips on how to share photos privately.

You can share photos and videos from your cloud photo frame in three ways.


Establishing a secure private social network is made easy when each member of your family has his or her own Nixplay email address.

Your family can email photos to your frame by attaching them to a new email message, and sending it to your personal @mynixplay.com email.

To add photos in an email to a photo playlist, you can enter ‘pl: playlist name’ in the subject line.

When the photo has been delivered to your account, it will automatically be stored in the online ‘Albums’ section.


You can share photos with your family directly from your Nixplay account online by adding photos to an album and creating a playlist for your frame.

You can add photos to your album from:

  • Your local drive
  • Facebook
  • Google Photos
  • Instagram
  • Dropbox
  • Flickr
  • Verizon Cloud
  • Received emails
  • Your mobile phone camera and camera roll
  • Your friends

Use the ‘send to a friend’ option to share photos privately and safely.

Using The Nixplay App

Family networking is made simple with the Nixplay app. All you need to do is download the app from the Apple App Store or from Google Play, and you’re ready to get started.

Once you have created an account and logged in, simply select the ‘Send Photos’ option from the home screen.

You can also add captions when sharing photos from your phone’s photo library, as well as send your photos and videos to different playlists.

At Nixplay, we want to give everyone the chance to share photos with family without the hassle—or the worry!

Check out our selection of digital frames to find the cloud photo frame that suits your family, and take your memories one step further by creating your own private social network.

Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at marianne.salazar@nixplay.com.

5 Things You Can Do With All The Travel Photos You Took This Summer

5 Things You Can Do With The Travel Photos You Took This Summer

Summer’s almost over, and we’re sure you went on a few out-of-town trips to enjoy the great weather. You probably also took hundreds of photos to immortalize your trip, as you should.

Now, we’d like to ask you a question: What have you done with all the photos you took? Are they still languishing in your phone or camera’s memory card, with none of them (save for a couple of Instagrammable ones) ever seeing the light of day?

If you find yourself nodding along—we’re guilty of this, too—then here are some things you can do to truly immortalize your photos. This way, if you find yourself reminiscing about lazy days in far-off places, you’ll know exactly where to look.

1. Organize and back them up

The first thing you should do with your travel photos is to go through all of them and sort them according to place or date. More importantly, don’t forget to back them up on an external hard drive or better yet, on a cloud-based data storage system. This way, if your computer breaks down or your memory card gets corrupted, your photos will remain secure.

If you don’t have the time or the willpower to go through your images one by one, you should try using Google Photosit automatically sorts your images and keeps them secure online at zero cost. How’s that for hassle-free?

2. Share them on social media

Just because you’re back from your trip doesn’t mean you can’t upload your vacation photos anymore! Your Instagram or Facebook account, your rules—and if you want to upload a photo from your Barcelona tour a month ago, you shouldn’t let anyone stop you from doing so.  You may be back in your “real world,” but you can still let your social media persona bask in vacation bliss.

3. Frame them

When you have dozens of photos of beautiful places and incredible moments, it can be difficult to pick a few to print and frame. The easy solution: A digital photo frame that can store and display hundreds of images. NIX digital frames have USB and SD card ports for your pictures, while Nixplay Wi-Fi Cloud Frames lets you store and access your images and videos from the cloud.

And since we already mentioned Google Photos in a previous item, here’s another great thing it can do: If you have a Nixplay Frame, you can enable your Nixplay app to access your Google Photos account so it instantly updates the images on your frame for you. Displaying your travel photos has never been so easy!

4. Create art based on them

During your trip, you were probably lucky enough to take photos of some incredibly majestic sights. It doesn’t have to be something incredibly spectacular—a vivid sunrise or a particularly tranquil afternoon at the park can be just as inspiring. If you’re artistically inclined, take out your paints and brushes and paint your interpretation of the scene. If you’re pleased with your work, hang it in your home for an instant feel-good vibe.

5. Do some scrapbooking

Do you tend to keep tickets, receipts, cards, stickers, and other small printed paraphernalia accumulated during a trip? Take them out of the box you’ve been keeping them in and arrange them in a scrapbook along with printouts of your travel photos! This way, your children and grandchildren will have a well-preserved glimpse of all the adventures you’ve had.

Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at marianne.salazar@nixplay.com.

Nixplay Guest Blog - Mark Condon

The 5 Best Investments You Can Make For Your Photography

Taking photos and preserving all of life’s precious memories is so important in this fast world we’re living in.

Even if you’re just using a smartphone to capture all those special moments, that’s better than nothing.

Here are 5 investments you can make to improve your photography this year.

1. Invest in a good camera.

There’s no getting around it – a dedicated camera is still better at taking photos than your phone! Even with the ability to blur the background, take panoramas, shoot multiple frames a second, and all the other fancy features available to smartphone users, phones still can’t compete with “real” cameras.

Don’t worry though – you don’t need to spend an arm and a leg to get a great camera. There are plenty of affordable entry-level DSLR cameras available, some of which cost less than you might imagine.

There are plenty of different features on modern cameras that may or may not be relevant to you, but at the very least, I recommend that you choose a camera with good autofocus. It should also feel good in your hands.

In my experience, a lightweight compact camera is much more likely to be carried by you in your back pocket or handbag than a bulky DSLR. However, it might not feel as nice in your hands.

A nice compromise is a mirrorless camera, which offers great features in a lightweight package, and often with good ergonomics too.

2. Invest in a good lens.

If you own a camera with a fixed lens (i.e. one that can’t be changed), you can skip this section. There’s nothing wrong with cameras with fixed lenses, but I’m referring here to inter-changeable lens (ILC) cameras.

When you buy your first ILC camera, there may be a lens that comes bundled with it. This ‘kit lens’ is normally something like an 18-55mm zoom lens, which is a good way to get to a grip on your first few snaps.

You’ll soon find, however, that the kit lens is usually a little limiting, especially in low light where they typically tend to struggle.

If your budget allows it, investing in a ‘prime’ lens with a fast aperture can do wonders for your photography.

Having a fast aperture will allow you to shoot in low light without a flash, and allow you to blur certain foreground/background elements. This will help give your photos that ‘wow’ factor, making your subject pop out from the image.

Fortunately, each camera brand offers affordable, fast prime lenses. Just look out for a small ‘f-number’, which designates a larger aperture and a faster lens. (If it’s all a bit confusing, you can learn more about aperture here.)

3. Invest in a good tripod.

If I could choose one accessory for your camera which can help improve the quality of your pictures and open up a whole world of creative opportunity to boot, the humble tripod would be it.

These three-legged friends allow you to stabilize your camera, meaning you can get the sharpest possible photo. While you can certainly get a sharp shot without a tripod by combining a fast shutter speed with a steady hand, tripods allow you to really get the most out of the resolution of your camera.

Tripods also make it easier to take a proper panorama, or to experiment with panning shots or long-exposure landscape photos, like those beautiful flowing water shots that you’ve no doubt seen.

A tripod lets you take jaw-dropping images such as this one.

A tripod can help you achieve jaw-dropping photos that simply aren’t possible when you’re holding your camera with your hands. Image by Mark Condon.

There are plenty of affordable DSLR tripods available, and some that are compact enough to carry with you in a coat pocket.

Even if you’re just using your smartphone, a smartphone tripod can allow you to experiment a bit more with your photos. It’s also a good way to easily snap a selfie or group shot!

4. Invest in education.

This investment can be less about money, and more about time. After all, you can learn photography for free using all the online resources at your disposal.

Many of the professional photographers I know learned a lot from watching YouTube, or reading popular photography blogs.

Education may simply mean reading books, which is another wise investment of your time. Books about the basics of photography will help initially, and looking at photos taken over the years by master photographers will help train your eye into recognizing what makes a great photo.

Investing in education doesn’t have to mean enrolling in your local photography school, but if you have something like that available, it can be a great first step.

You can learn all you want by watching free internet videos, but having someone physically move your fingers into the right positions, or point out the correct way to frame a photo, is invaluable.

5. Invest in a way to share your work.

Getting your photos viewed by others is an essential step to improving at photography. Whether that means investing your time in building a photo blog to show off your shots, or simply uploading your photos to social media, improvement comes when you are open to critique.

Whether or not you can trust your friends to be honest enough about the quality of your photos to offer any useful critique is admittedly questionable, but at least by having your friends’ encouragement, you’ll be motivated to keep taking photos.

I remember when I did my first photo project, and posted a new photo on Facebook every day for a month. The words of encouragement I received there made me realize that there was an audience for my photography, leading to a career as a professional wedding photographer.

Another great way to share your photos is by using a digital photo frame. Last month I spent some time reviewing the best digital photo frames, and was surprised at how easy it is to share the photos that I take on a daily basis.

All the Nixplay frames are stylish in their own way, and beauty certainly is in the eye of the beholder, but for me at least, the Seed stands head and shoulders above the rest.

As strange as it may sound, I particularly I like the rear of the device. It looks clean and neat, with the power cable acting as a stand.

Although not unique to the Nixplay Seed model, I’m also a big fan of the Nixplay Frames’ Wi-Fi functionality, which makes transferring and managing the images sent to my frames a cinch…and also a lot of fun! Being able to take a photo on my camera or phone then instantly whizzing it halfway around the world to the Nixplay Seed sitting in my family’s living room is simply mind-blowing.

Knowing how happy a photo can make someone is a great motivator to keep pushing the shutter button.

Mark is the founder of Shotkit, a site which gives photography enthusiasts a peek into the camera bags of the world’s best photographers.

This Is The Best Thing You Can Do For All Your Photos

Taking photos is one of the best ways to preserve life’s most precious moments, whether it’s a Sunday dinner with the whole family or your grandchild’s first steps. But what do you do with all the pictures you’ve taken? Saving them on your computer is the first step, but it seems like a waste to just let them languish on a hard drive forever.

Luckily, digital frame company Nixplay has a solution for that. Because Nixplay’s joining the Google Photos Partner Program and using the Google Photos Library API, you’ll soon be able to securely access even more of your most treasured memories on your Nixplay Wi-Fi Cloud Frames anytime, anywhere.

A concept presentation of how Google Photos will be integrated with the Nixplay mobile app. This is not the final product demonstration.

During the 2018 Google I/O Developers’ Summit held on May 8 in Mountain View, California, it was announced that Nixplay will be one of the first companies to launch its integration with Google Photos to its customers in the coming months. With this development, Google Photos will soon send your albums directly to your Nixplay Wi-Fi Cloud Frames, eliminating the need for you to spend precious time selecting photos for your playlists.

The best part is that if you’ve sent albums from Google Photos to your Nixplay frame, every time a new image is added into one of those albums on Google Photos, it will also be automatically uploaded to and viewable on your frame. This feature is especially great for people who live away from their loved ones, as this presents a new way for them to stay connected to them. Now, not only will your treasured moments be within reach, but you’ll always be in touch with those who matter most in your life.

This innovation, scheduled for release in the summer of 2018, is the latest feather in the cap of Creedon Technologies, the parent company of Nixplay and its sister brands, NIX and Nixplay Signage. Creedon Technologies has sold close to 1.5 million units of Nixplay Wi-Fi Cloud Frames, Nix Digital Frames, and Nixplay Signage Solutions since its inception in 2007, making it the global leader in its field. By harnessing the power of cloud storage, service technology, and security, Creedon Technologies has empowered its customers to display their photos and share their memories in a sophisticated manner.

Are you as excited for this as we are? Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment below!

Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at marianne.salazar@nixplay.com.

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