Earth Day may be held on April 22, but if you ask us, we should be celebrating it every day. It just doesn’t seem right to impose a 24-hour window for becoming an eco-warrior. The Earth is the only planet we have, after all: We should do everything in our power to take care of it and keep it beautiful so our children and their children will have a better world to live in.
That said, here are some easy measures you and your loved ones can do to reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, greener, better world. Read on!
Pick up litter when you’re out and about
Trash is never a nice sight, whether it’s a pile of garbage or a plastic bag floating in the air. If you see even a tiny plastic wrapper on the street, don’t hesitate to pick it up and toss it in the appropriate trash can. And while you’re at it, you can also (gently!) reprimand people you catch littering. Being a litterbug is never a good look on anyone!
Buy less, and buy wisely
How many times have you bought something you don’t really need, or only used once? We’ve all been guilty of this, and it’s a really hard habit to break. Starting today, carefully evaluating all your purchases. Before you head to the cashier, ask yourself if you really need the item you’re checking out. It also helps to buy from smaller local businesses, instead of from mass-market corporations—this reduces your carbon footprint while giving you access to handcrafted, unique items that aren’t owned by a lot of people.

Another way to be a better consumer is by supporting companies that give back to the environment. Nixplay is proud to support Trees For The Future, a non-profit organization that improves the lives of impoverished farmers by planting Forest Gardens, which have been proven to be more beneficial than conventional agriculture methods. Through our Seed For A Seed campaign, a tree seed gets planted in one of Trees For The Future’s Forest Gardens with every purchase of a Nixplay Seed Frame. To date, we have planted 209,643 trees—and with your help, we can plant thousands more.
Say no to plastic
We discard millions of tons of toxic plastic every year. These end up nearly everywhere, polluting our soil, our forests, our rivers, and our seas. In fact, there is are already at least two main trash dumps in our oceans: the Great Pacific garbage patch and the North Atlantic garbage patch, each spanning thousands of square kilometers.
While it might take a lifetime to rid our seas of the plastic soup, you can contribute in small ways. Start by being mindful of your plastic consumption—refuse disposable straws and utensils, avoid buying bottled water, and use a canvas bag when shopping so you don’t waste plastic bags. These actions might seem small, but when they’re done by thousands of people, they can add up and make an impact.
Walk (or bike) more often
Instead of driving to a restaurant located less than a mile away, why not take a leisurely stroll going there? It shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes, and this adds to your daily cardio count. You can also ride a bicycle to get around: It’s quick, free, and good for the body!
Don’t waste food
According to The Economist’s 2017 Food Sustainability Index, the average American wastes 277 kilograms of food annually. Meanwhile, hundreds of millions of people around the world are starving. Don’t add to the problem by mindlessly buying food. Before leaving the grocery, check expiration dates, finish what’s in your pantry before going to the grocery, and use your food waste to create compost pits.
Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at