If you want to show off photos from your trip to Aruba, your brother’s graduation, or your toddler’s first day of school, Nixplay WiFi Cloud Frames are a great choice. These frames can highlight treasured moments spent with family, friends, and the pets too! Whether you are at home, or at the office, you can always be surrounded by the good times you’ve had, and the special occasions you’ve all shared.
But, did you know that your Nixplay frames can also help with your wedding proposal?
How to Propose with Nixplay
A Global Proposal
By using Nixplay Seed, the photo frame that enables users to instantly upload images from anywhere in the world, you can invite select friends and family to send pictures right to this product. Do they have pictures from when your potential spouse was dressed up in a tux or dress, playing pretend as a kid? Holding a bouquet? Dancing? Ask family and friends to look for pictures with a wedding theme, and bring them all together on the Nixplay Seed. You know your significant other notices everything. When she or he stops to look at these images, get ready with the ring.
Silly Side
Remember that day you two had a caricature done? Hilarious, right? Use it. Write “will you marry me” across the top. Take a pic and upload it to your frame. Let your potential spouse know what you love about them, and pop the question after she or he has finally noticed this new addition. Maybe include something in your proposal about how much you love that you can both be silly and have fun together—and that you’d like to make that permanent.
A Photo Surprise
Surprise your loved one with a NIX digital photo frame. Tell him or her that you have already added some of your favorite images. Make sure the pictures are of special times you’ve shared that span across the entirety of your relationship. It’s fun to include early photos, especially if you have been together for a long period of time. After the last image is complete, suggest snapping a photo of the two of you right now. Afterward, tell your sweetheart that you wanted to capture that moment, because (get down on one knee), this is your proposal.
Show and Tell
Get dressed up. Make a sign that reads, “Will you marry me?” Have a friend snap a photo while you are holding it (you don’t want any selfies for this one). Then, go through your frame and place only images of you and your sweetie on the device. The final image should be the proposal. Casually mention that you’ve updated the frame, and wait for the perfect moment to pop the question.
Sharing the Joy
Your favorite images are always nearby with Nixplay. From the proposal to the wedding, and for the memories that will last a lifetime, let Nixplay share the story.

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.