nixplay blog importance of having a curated instagram feed

The Importance Of Having A Curated Instagram Feed

Photography has turned out to be the universal language among us human beings, and many people haven’t realized the important role photographs have in their lives nowadays. Today we want to give you something to think about: The quality of content on your Instagram feed.

With such a massive invasion of images flooding our feeds constantly, keeping a highly curated Instagram feed is going to enhance your life like nothing else before. And we are not saying this in a cocky way, but you should keep your Instagram feed under control in order to make it a useful thing in your life. Otherwise, you’ll end up looking at tons of pictures with no meaning at all in your professional and your personal life.

Curated Instagram for Stronger Bonds

Keep Things Exclusive

First, let’s talk about our personal lives. It is impossible that we could ever have hundreds (or even thousands) of truly close friends and family. It is important to have a certain degree of exclusivity when it comes to our personal Instagram Feed, and you shouldn’t feel bad about it. This should respond to our necessity of keeping in touch with the lives of the people that we truly care about. For broad networking, use other social media accounts like Facebook or LinkedIn.

This Will Be Your Window to What Matters to You

Have you noticed that the family photo album has become almost extinct? This object was one of the most important assets for any family just a couple of decades ago. Now, all the images, from school pictures to travel photos, are floating in the cloud.

As long as we keep control of the beautiful things technology has to offer to us, there is no reason to freak out about this.

Less is More

You should keep in mind that not everything that is being published out there is meaningful for you; hence the necessity of keeping your Instagram feed curated. Otherwise, how would you strengthen those bonds that made the family album a valuable asset of the household?

Curated Instagram Feeds to Create Better Stuff

Your Instagram Feed as your Daily Input

The creative economy has become extremely powerful in the last years, and every creative needs to keep consuming stuff to keep updated and relevant within their respective disciplines. If you are a creative, you’ll understand this without further explanations.

Developing a Useful-Instagram Mindset

You need to see your Instagram account as a pristine place to consume the finest images out there from the creators you admire the most, as well as the peers you adore and respect. Instagram is fantastic because it allows you to discover emerging talents, as well as many great creators from all over the world.

How to Curate Your Instagram Feed

Just keep things separated. Your personal Instagram account should only have family members you care about, as well as your closest friends. Your professional Instagram account should be a meaningful place for your discipline; a portfolio that embodies your work.

The best way is to start fresh, keeping things clean right from the beginning. Of course, this isn’t always the case, so you should start doing some cleansing by designing a set of criteria that will make your feed exclusive. For example:

❌ Promotions from the newest creamery on the block
✔ The Photographer that made you fall in love with photography

High-Quality Image Consumption

You won’t escape the current state of image consumption in the world, but what you can do is to have a higher quality experience while looking at them. Viewing images through a frame satisfies this because there are no distractions such as text messages or app notifications.

Now, imagine having your highly curated Instagram feed showcased in a digital frame that will give you a richer connection between you and your loved ones. It’s almost like going to a gallery with all your favorite creatives, right at your own place.

This is exactly what you can get with a Nixplay frame: An absolutely nurturing image consumption experience with no distractions at all, updated in real time. Unlike other digital frames, Nixplay lets you update your images wherever in the world you may be.

Always Keep This in Mind

One thing that you need to keep clear about when curating (or even designing) your feed, is that Instagram was born as a social network in which the only way of sharing stuff is via images. Nowadays there are comments and direct messages, but the spirit of the platform is still the same: Image-based content, period.

Therefore, you should only follow accounts that publish images that will inspire you or will keep you uplifted, and not the other way around. If you can manage to spot those accounts, you’ll be a healthy image consumer.

nixplay digital frame helping declutter homes

How a Digital Frame Can Help You Declutter

When you’re busy living your life and getting things done, it can be easy to let some things slide. As a result, you may find yourself living in a home filled with clutter, a sort of visual noise that distracts your mind and makes it more difficult to organize your life effectively.

Although an overly-messy home requires an extensive decluttering effort, there are some quick things you can do to minimize the unnecessary things in your home. A digital frame, for one, can certainly help to remove a cumbersome bunch of picture frames that may be only gathering dust in a corner of your once-cozy place.

Multiple photos in one digital frame

Photos are meant to be shared, displayed, and enjoyed. But if your shelves and mantelpiece are getting filled up with space-hogging picture frames, a Nixplay digital frame is a perfect solution that allows you to declutter your home and make more room for other items.

You see, a Nixplay frame allows you to view several images periodically, letting you see a different precious photo every time you walk by. Instead of having several family photos on display in normal frames, why not declutter by scanning all of your prints? You can then use the digital files to create a revolving slideshow which can be displayed in one single Nixplay frame.

A sophisticated aesthetic

Besides allowing you to declutter your home environment, digital frames also let you inject a sense of modernism and sophistication into your home. Nixplay frames come in different sizes and finishes, resulting in a classy and sleek look which complements your décor.

A digital frame also acts as a conversation piece when guests come over, as many people will be unfamiliar with this technology and will want to talk to you about it when they come over. Talk about an instant icebreaker!

It is said that people who suffer from anxiety and neuroticism can be greatly soothed by a simple home declutter, and a digital photo frame is a great way to reduce the number of objects which are cluttering up your home.

In addition to a big clean and a reorganization of your home, why not consider investing in a couple of digital frames to display your photos? You can display whatever pictures you want, and can simply change them if you should ever get tired of looking at them. The versatility and chicness of digital frames make them a must-have for anyone who wants to declutter their home in the most stylish way.

nixplay oktoberfest promo things to do during oktoberfest

5 Fun Ways To Celebrate Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest may be synonymous with beer, but there’s more to this German festival than pilsner-fueled revelry! Here are some great ways to join in the merrymaking—alcohol completely optional.

Beer garden restaurant Nixplay Oktoberfest Germany

Dine at a German restaurant.

Oktoberfest is the perfect time to explore German cuisine. Fill up with your favorite German grub like pretzels, spätzle, currywurst, sauerkraut, and schnitzel. Wash it down with your favorite bier for a great time.

Attend an Oktoberfest celebration.

Oktoberfest is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in the world. Several major cities throw their own parties, with the original Oktoberfest in Munich topping the list. You don’t even have to be a beer drinker to have fun as most celebrations have attractions like live music, carnival games, parades, and more. Check out some Oktoberfest celebrations here!

nixplay oktoberfest germany beer brewery

Tour a beer brewery.

Mankind has been brewing beer since time immemorial. Learning what goes into your favorite ale would be a great way to spend an afternoon. This is an activity that even non-drinkers would enjoy!

Learn some German words.

Celebrate Oktoberfest the practical way by brushing up on your German, starting with “O’Zapft is” (“it is tapped”), the phrase traditionally used to start the festivities. Go beyond “Guten Tag” and “Danke,” and impress everyone by knowing the difference between a “Pilsner” (a light, hoppy beer) and a “Schwarzbier” (a dark malted lager). Don’t forget to toast to your friends’ health by saying “Prost!”

nixplay oktoberfest promo image

Take lots of photos!

Document your Oktoberfest experience by snapping all the photos you can take! Display your images on your Nixplay Seed 8” Wi-Fi Digital Frame so you can always look back at the fun times you had. Get up to 25% off on your Nixplay Seed 8”, only until October 9!


nancy mcfarland APPO nixplay save your photos month

Meet A Professional Photo Organizer: Nancy McFarland of SoCal Photo Solutions

Nixplay has partnered with the Association of Personal Photo Organizers (APPO) for the Save Your Photos initiative, a public service outreach campaign that teaches individuals how they can preserve life’s irreplaceable photos, videos, and documents in case of an unforeseen accident or disaster. Visit the Save Your Photos website for more information.

We’re ending Save Your Photos Month on a high note with an exclusive interview with Nancy McFarland, the woman behind SoCal Photo Solutions and a founding member of the Association of Personal Photo Organizers (APPO). Nancy has been a professional photo organizer since 1995, and she can be counted on to help you tell your unique family stories through your photos, videos, and other memorabilia. Whether you’re thinking of starting a career as a professional photo organizer or just want to learn how to organize your images in a better way, you’ll definitely learn a lot from Nancy. Read on!

How did you become a professional photo organizer?

“Very good question. I had a scrapbooking business—many people started this way. I found that my favorite thing to do was to help people get their photos organized in order to get them into the album, and I would help them for hours and hours for free.

And I realized that that was the part of my job that was really the most significant, and which I had the most talent at. I started charging for that service, and I found this little niche that I’m very good at.”

Nancy McFarland main image


What is your photo organization process?

“The first step would be to gather all the photos into a central location because most people have photos all over the place. They have it in the closet, in the drawer. So the process from there would be getting rid of the doubles. They all have photos of, say, a baby, and they take ten pictures of the same baby. It’s about getting all the extraneous photos to get to the most important ones that you care about, that are worth saving, preserving, and enjoying.

Then comes the organization part, and that is so personal to whoever I’m working with. Some people think chronologically, year by year, and some people want them organized by child or by theme, which is really much easier to do with a large collection. Like, here are all the Christmas pictures. Here are all the birthday pictures. Here are all the ancestors. Do a very broad sweep and not focus on the details. So you can get through to all of them.

nancy mcfarland photo box for nixplay

I like to find out from my clients where they would think to look for the photo. For a picture of a vacation that she took in Italy with her husband, is this going to go in the year wherein they visited Italy? Is this going to go in a separate travel section, and then Italy? So if she needs that picture, she can find it quickly.

The next step is answering how they plan to enjoy their photos. Scanning is a process that we do here, and we do it in-house. So it’s up to the people to send it out, but we have all the scanners and facilities to do that here. And we have lots of different scanners. We have slide scanners, and we have high-speed photoscanners, we have scanners that can do larger photos, and stitching programs for if they have scrolls or very large photos. You can scan into smaller pieces and stitch them together so it looks like a line.

Now, what do they want to do with the scanned photos? That’s where Nixplay comes in, so now they can enjoy the photos on a digital frame they can look at anytime. It’s one thing to scan them and put them on a flash drive, but enjoying them is another matter.

What’s the most challenging part of your job?

“It’s very focused, and I really can only focus for three or four hours. After three to four hours, you see the clients’ eyes rolling back in their heads. Ýou can’t do it for eight to 10 hours a day. You have to take a break, you have to step away. I guess that’s the most difficult. It’s very focused and concentrated, and so it requires all your concentration and energy, so you can’t do it for that long all a time.

What’s the most fulfilling project you’ve managed?

“So I organized this woman’s photos of her and her children, and then she brought out the heritage photos and she didn’t know who the people were. And so she brought her mother in to help us. Her mother lives in an assisted living home, and she kind of apologized beforehand since her mother was becoming forgetful. But we had the best time. We got to chat and she told us stories about her boyfriends and her childhood, stories that my client had never heard before. 

nancy mcfarland photo box for nixplay

While she was looking at the pictures, it was just spurring all these memories that came up. Maybe she couldn’t even remember if she had breakfast that day, but pictures go to a different part of your brain. The long-term memory is not in the same place as your short-term memory, so people with Alzheimer’s, who have memory loss—she remembered her address from childhood. So it was amazing. When we were done, my client called me up the next day, and she told me, ‘I have not had that much fun with my mom in so many years.” That was just really memorable, special to me.”

What’s your advice to people who’d like to start organizing their own photos?

“The hardest thing about the whole process is to just start because most people say it’s a ‘someday’ project. They say, ‘oh, I meant to do this someday.’ So I think the most important step would be to start.

It doesn’t really matter how you start. You don’t have to start at any timeframe. Pick a box, any box. If you happen to know your most important pictures, that would be the best. Pick out the milestone pictures first. If you happen to know where those are, great! If not, just start.”

Interview has been edited for brevity.



Nixplay blog Molly Bullard Save Your Photos Month

Why You Should Ask A Professional Photo Organizer To Help You Downsize Your Photo Collection

Nixplay has partnered with the Association of Personal Photo Organizers (APPO) for the Save Your Photos initiative, a public service outreach campaign that teaches individuals how they can preserve life’s irreplaceable photos, videos, and documents in case of an unforeseen accident or disaster. Visit the Save Your Photos website for more information.

Downsizing. Living with less. The desire for a smaller environmental footprint. These are some of the terms used to describe the process of moving out of a large house to a smaller apartment or the choice to live in a place with less square footage.

With this goal in mind, the first step requires you to sort through your belongings in order to prioritize what you want to bring with you.

“Prospective downsizers exceed upsizers nearly 3 to 1,” according to San Francisco-based pickup, storage, and delivery service CityStash.

For over 13 years, professional photo organizer Molly Bullard has been helping individuals and families sort, digitize, and share their memorabilia. Molly, a member of the Association of Personal Photo Organizers (APPO), found a niche market for her services in 2005 when digital cameras were first introduced to the consumer market. It hit a lightning pace with the launch of high-quality cell phone pictures and offerings of inexpensive digital and cloud storage.

Last spring, Molly got a call from a son that was helping his mom downsize from their family home. His goal was to work with Molly to sort through all their photos to find “the keepers,”  scan the originals and display the favorites on a digital photo frame. Although living with less of her possessions, he envisioned the frame as a bridge for her to enjoy all her favorite memories, albeit in a smaller space.

After hearing his story, Molly recommended he purchase the Nixplay Edge 8” photo framewhich would fit nicely on his mother’s side table. Molly found Nixplay frames incredibly easy to use, and she personally has the same frame in her own home. She uses the Nixplay iPhone App to load her favorites from scanned picture sets, mixing in recent pictures and videos from her camera roll.

Needless to say, the Nixplay Edge turned out to be a hit gift.

With the complexity consumers face when managing the not-always-fun technical aspect of digital photos, Molly appreciates the simplicity of Nixplay frames. she first learned about Nixplay from a client she had over five years ago. Her client’s son set one up on his mother’s desk, and he would send pictures of their grandchildren living in a different state. There would be recent images of the grandchildren rotating through the slideshow every few days, and Molly’s client didn’t have to lift a finger.

With Molly and her fellow members of the Association of Personal Photo Organizers (APPO) always available to help guide clients in organizing and digitizing their photos, there’s no more reason for your memories to be lost forever. 

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