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National Siblings Day

5 Reasons Why Having Siblings Rock

Having siblings isn’t always a blast. They snoop through your stuff, annoy you to no end, and get into the most ridiculous fights. But they’re also the people you can depend on, especially when things get rough. They’ve seen you through your awkward puberty phase, comforted you when your heart got broken, and stood by you tirelessly through all of life’s ups and downs. In short, they rock.

With National Siblings Day coming up, here are some true reasons why your brothers and sisters are the best. Read on.

Having a sibling makes you a better person.

A study at Brigham Young University found that “having a loving sibling of either gender promoted good deeds, such as helping a neighbor or watching out for other kids at school.” The study also found that loving siblings encourage more acts of kindness versus loving parents.

Having siblings can prolong your life.

The same study found that, on average, people who have excellent relationships with friends and family live 7.5 years longer than those with poor social ties. It’s theorized that caring for loved ones (and, by effect, having a good relationship with your siblings) will also inspire you to take better care of yourself.

Having siblings can improve your social skills.

People who are close to their siblings are natural diplomats. They’re so used to dealing with different personalities, unpredictable mood swings, and petty fights on a regular basis, that they could probably be called upon to settle the peace should World War III erupt. Given this, it’s not surprising that folks with siblings usually have better relationships with their peers.

Having a sibling can affect your weight.

And no, it’s not because you can easily get them to go with you on late-night pizza runs. According to a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, kids with obese siblings are more than five times more likely to be overweight as well. Because younger siblings look up to older children, establishing good dietary habits will prove to be beneficial for the whole family.

Having siblings can make you happier.

It has been found that people who grew up with sisters are able to communicate more openly, are more independent, and are more supportive of each other compared to people who have no sisters. Isn’t sisterhood great?

Don’t forget to celebrate your bond with your family this coming National Siblings Day! Get up to 25% off selected Nixplay Frames, only until April 10!

Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at marianne.salazar@nixplay.com.

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10 Things Only Siblings Will Understand

You can choose your friends, but you cannot choose your siblings. That’s what makes your bond with your brother or sister so special: You’re stuck with each other through good times and bad times. You’re best friends one minute, only to be in a screaming match the next. But whatever happens, one thing’s for sure: You’ll always have each other’s backs, come what may.

This National Siblings Day, don’t forget to celebrate the truest ties that bind. Let’s start by listing some things you’ll definitely be able to relate to if you’ve got a brother or a sister (or both!).

1. People always tell you that you and your siblings look alike.

Of course, you’re the better-looking one. 😉

2. Annoying your siblings can be counted as one of your hobbies.

You’ve placed bugs on their desks, teased them mercilessly in front of their crushes, and would scare them every chance you get. It’s amazing you still love each other.

3. You’ve snooped through each other’s belongings and have borrowed (or taken) each other’s stuff without asking for permission.

And you always feel so triumphant when you return the item you borrowed without them noticing that it was gone in the first place! Speaking of borrowing things…

4. Your wardrobe doubles in size If you have a sibling who’s the same size as you.

More clothing options!

5. You can find hand-me-downs from your siblings in your wardrobe.

You’ve been into sustainability way before it was considered cool.

6. You’re extremely competitive.

There’s always some pressure to be better than your siblings, and you never waste an opportunity to prove that you’re smarter, stronger, and wittier than them–whether you’re showing your report card to your parents, or fighting over the last bag of chips in the pantry.

7. You’ve been called your sibling’s name several times in your life.

And a frazzled parent has run through the names of all the members of your family (including your dog) before landing on yours.

8. You’re bound to be referred to as “so-and-so’s sibling” at one point or another in your life.

Especially if you both study at the same school.

9. Your morning routine is timed down to the last minute.

That’s what happens when you have to share a bathroom with a sibling.

10. You’ll always love each other.

There may be times when you’ve wanted to pull each other’s hair out, but at the end of the day, they’ll always be the coolest people in your book, and you can’t imagine growing up without them by your side.

Join us as we celebrate National Siblings Day! Get up to 25% off selected Nixplay Frames, only until April 10!

Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at marianne.salazar@nixplay.com.

Use a Nixplay Cloud Photo Frame as a Private Social Network for your Family

The Easiest Way To Create A Private Social Network For Your Family

Bigger is sometimes better, and this rings true for family. The bigger your clan is, the more love there is to go around.

However, working out how to keeping in touch can be a challenge if you’re in a big family. After a while, you find it difficult to keep track of who lives where, who does what, and which kid belongs to whom. It’s confusing, sure, but it’s all part and parcel of belonging to a large, happy clan.

This was certainly the case for Chris Hansen, who lives in Colorado but has family in Ohio, Minnesota, Utah, and Arizona.

“Since our family is so big, you can almost lose touch if you’re not on social media or not visiting on Christmas,” he says.

After exploring several options, the Hansens decided to get Nixplay frames, which offered an easy and convenient way to share photos in real time and gave them the opportunity to try family networking in a unique way.

“We settled on Nixplay because of the cloud function, where we could send it straight from our phones,” says Chris. “We really can share everything and not have to worry about [our photos being] out on the internet for everybody. It’s kind of like your own family’s internal social network.”

Get inspired by how the Hansens use their frames in this video:


How To Share Photos Privately

With a Nixplay Wi-Fi Cloud Photo Frame, you can view, display and share photos with family and create your own private social network. We understand how important safety and security is online, which is why we want to give you some quick tips on how to share photos privately.

You can share photos and videos from your cloud photo frame in three ways.


Establishing a secure private social network is made easy when each member of your family has his or her own Nixplay email address.

Your family can email photos to your frame by attaching them to a new email message, and sending it to your personal @mynixplay.com email.

To add photos in an email to a photo playlist, you can enter ‘pl: playlist name’ in the subject line.

When the photo has been delivered to your account, it will automatically be stored in the online ‘Albums’ section.


You can share photos with your family directly from your Nixplay account online by adding photos to an album and creating a playlist for your frame.

You can add photos to your album from:

  • Your local drive
  • Facebook
  • Google Photos
  • Instagram
  • Dropbox
  • Flickr
  • Verizon Cloud
  • Received emails
  • Your mobile phone camera and camera roll
  • Your friends

Use the ‘send to a friend’ option to share photos privately and safely.

Using The Nixplay App

Family networking is made simple with the Nixplay app. All you need to do is download the app from the Apple App Store or from Google Play, and you’re ready to get started.

Once you have created an account and logged in, simply select the ‘Send Photos’ option from the home screen.

You can also add captions when sharing photos from your phone’s photo library, as well as send your photos and videos to different playlists.

At Nixplay, we want to give everyone the chance to share photos with family without the hassle—or the worry!

Check out our selection of digital frames to find the cloud photo frame that suits your family, and take your memories one step further by creating your own private social network.

Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at marianne.salazar@nixplay.com.

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The Easy way To Stay In Touch With Your Loved Ones

Your engagement. Your wedding. Your son’s first steps. Your daughter’s graduation.

Your whole family may not be physically present for all these occasions, but there are many ways to include them as you celebrate your milestones.

Take for example Rita, who lives in Massachusetts with her husband and children. She wanted to keep her parents Jim and Elaine, who live across the country in Washington, involved in her children’s lives. She gave her parents a Nixplay frame as a way for them to bond despite the distance.

“It was a way for us to share [with my parents remotely] what was going on in the children’s lives, because they’ve never lived in the same town,” says Rita. “The Nixplay frame will allow them to see immediate pictures of the kids at their sporting events, or at any family events we might have that they weren’t able to join us on.”

Watch the video to learn Rita’s story.

Your bond with your family is always worth celebrating. For Nixplay Family Week, we’re giving you the chance to show your loved ones how much they mean to you by giving them their own Nixplay Wi-Fi Frame.


For a limited time, you can get your own Nixplay Iris at up to 35 percent off. The more frames you buy, the greater the discount you get–all the more reason to get Nixplay Frames for you and your family. After all, what better way to celebrate family ties than by sharing your best memories with each other?

Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at marianne.salazar@nixplay.com.

Nixplay Family Week

Through Thick and Thin: 15 Reasons To Be Thankful for Your Family

You can’t choose your relatives, but you can choose the people you consider your family.

Your next-door neighbors, whom you grew up with and who would always help you whenever you needed anything. They’re family.

Your friends from school, whom you forged a bond with while facing bullies and finishing projects. You rarely see them, but know you can count on them. They’re family.

The fellow backpackers you met on the road during your vacation in Europe whom you instantly bonded with, who took care of you when you got sick, and who made your trip infinitely memorable. They’re family.

They’re your rock, your source of support. They’ve seen you go through all of life’s ups and downs, and they’ll stay by your side and help you face everything life throws your way.

And you wouldn’t be where you are right now without them.

Now, here’s why you should be thankful for your family.

15 Reasons to be Thankful for Your Family

1. You can count on them to cheer you up when you’re feeling down.

2. They’re always willing to listen.

3. They love you for who you are and actually appreciate your quirks.

4. You can trust them with your deepest secrets, and they can trust you with theirs.

5. They’re your biggest cheerleaders.

6. They forgave you for all the regrettable things you’ve done to them.

7. They’ll wholeheartedly support everything you do.

8. They can still surprise you, even when you think you’re unflappable.

9. You can count on them to always be on your team.

10. They always have your best interests at heart.

11. Need someone to shop or dine with? They’ve got you.

12. They took care of you when you were sick.

13. You never want to leave when you’re in their company.

14. They always see and bring out the best in you.

15. They always feel like home.

Here at Nixplay, we believe that your bond with your family is always worth celebrating. For Nixplay Family Week, we’re giving you the chance to show your loved ones how much they mean to you by giving them their own Nixplay Wi-Fi Frame.


For a limited time, you can get your own Nixplay Iris at up to 35 percent off. The more frames you buy, the greater the discount you get–all the more reason to get Nixplay Frames for you and your family. After all, what better way to celebrate family ties than by sharing your best memories with each other?

Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at marianne.salazar@nixplay.com.

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