Tag: national sibling’s day

staying close with siblings despite distance

Staying Close To Your Siblings Despite The Distance

Growing up, you probably couldn’t imagine spending your everyday life without your siblings. They might have teased you mercilessly, but you can count on them to be on your team through thick and thin. And you’d do the same for them because your siblings are simply the best.

But as time passed, you and your siblings expanded your respective worlds, met new people, started careers, and set different priorities. And though life might have caused you and your siblings to be separated by distance, the good news is that it’s never been easier to stay close, no matter how far apart you may be. Get started with these five thoughtful ideas:

Keep In Touch Via Social Media

Thanks to social media, you can stay updated on your siblings’ musings, achievements, and adventures in a jiffy. Set up regular video calls, send them messages on Facebook, and post your favorite photos with them on Instagram. Even tagging them in posts you think they’ll like will warm their hearts–it’s a sweet reminder that somewhere, someone who loves them is thinking of them.

Send Them Snail Mail

While technology has made communication more efficient than ever, nothing beats the nostalgia and anticipation that comes with good old-fashioned snail mail. Send your siblings postcards from your trips, write them letters once a month, and mail them greeting cards on their holidays. It may not be the fastest method of communication, and there’s nothing you can send via post than couldn’t be typed out in a test or an email, but t’s more thoughtful, more personal, and therefore, more special.

Make Your Get-Togethers Meaningful

If you and your siblings live in faraway cities or in different countries, chances are you probably don’t see each other too often. So next time you do, make it count by making your reunion as fun as possible. You can go down memory lane and indulge in activities you enjoyed when you were younger, or do something that reflects your current interests. It doesn’t have to be a grand affair: Even if it’s just hiking in the woods near your childhood home or baking your mom’s signature cookie recipe, the most important thing is making them truly feel how much you love spending time with them.

Surprise Them With Presents

An unexpected package containing something they’ll love is always a welcome surprise. Be it a bouquet of cheerful flowers for your sister or something for your brother’s next golf tournament, they’re bound to appreciate and treasure your gift. Make sure to include a card with a sweet message that lets them know you’re thinking of them!

Make A Family Photo Album

Thanks to technology, it’s easier than ever to gather photos and videos of your family. It’s even easier when you all have Nixplay Frames: Just create a shared playlist that you and your siblings can collaborate on so you can share and display family photos on your frame in real-time. You can create shared playlists by year, or by occasion. Either way, it’s a private social network for your family and a brilliant way to keep your favorite moments alive.

Sibling Revelry National Siblings Day Sale

Stay in touch with your family and friends with Nixplay! Get up to 30 percent off on some of our bestselling frames, only until April 12!

Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at marianne.salazar@nixplay.com.

national siblings day

What’s Your Favorite Memory With Your Siblings?

Having siblings isn’t always smooth sailing. There are times when they get on your nerves and test your patience, No matter how old you get. But despite this, you have to admit that they make life way more colorful, and that you can’t imagine growing up without them by your side.

To celebrate National Siblings Day, we asked a few readers about their favorite memories with their siblings. Here’s what they said!

“They’re all about tough love.”

“I’m an only girl with three older brothers, so you can imagine how crazy it can get at home sometimes. But the great thing about growing up in a brood of boys is that though they’re all about tough love, they really dote on you. They taught me how to play basketball, and when I told them that I wanted to try out for the varsity team, they would take turns practicing with me after school. And when I played my first championship game, they made a huge banner for me and would loudly cheer every time I made a shot. It was a bit embarrassing, but looking back, it was a very sweet gesture that really showed they care.” – Chrissy, 33

“I was his best man.”

“I’ll never forget the time I stood as the best man at my younger brother’s wedding. I saw him grow up right before my very eyes, and sometimes I still think of him as a gangly, nerdy teenager. Seeing him at the altar, promising he’ll love his wife forever, really brought tears to my eyes. He turned out to be a really great guy, and I’ll always be so proud of him.” – Brian, 37

“We closed our gap at a family vacation.”

“My favorite moment with my sister was when we planned a surprise Caribean vacation for our mom, who raised us by herself. My sister and I have never been really close since there’s an eight-year age gap between us, but we collaborated for months to plan the trip–comparing destinations and plane tickets, looking for resorts, planning the itinerary, and shopping for outfits. The experience brought us closer, and now we’re planning to go to Europe, just the two of us!” – Elizabeth, 28

“We watched shooting stars together.”

“We’re 6 siblings, a mix of girls and boys. One evening when I was in grade school, my eldest brother snuck me and my siblings out to the backyard when our parents were already asleep so we can watch a meteor shower. We arranged our sleeping bags in a circle and fell asleep while counting shooting stars. I think that’s my favorite moment with my siblings.” – Jan, 25

Complete your favorite moments with your siblings with a Nixplay Frame! It’s the perfect addition to your home. Take advantage of our National Siblings Day sale and get up to 25% off selected frames, only until April 10!

national siblings day 1

10 Things Only Siblings Will Understand

You can choose your friends, but you cannot choose your siblings. That’s what makes your bond with your brother or sister so special: You’re stuck with each other through good times and bad times. You’re best friends one minute, only to be in a screaming match the next. But whatever happens, one thing’s for sure: You’ll always have each other’s backs, come what may.

This National Siblings Day, don’t forget to celebrate the truest ties that bind. Let’s start by listing some things you’ll definitely be able to relate to if you’ve got a brother or a sister (or both!).

1. People always tell you that you and your siblings look alike.

Of course, you’re the better-looking one. 😉

2. Annoying your siblings can be counted as one of your hobbies.

You’ve placed bugs on their desks, teased them mercilessly in front of their crushes, and would scare them every chance you get. It’s amazing you still love each other.

3. You’ve snooped through each other’s belongings and have borrowed (or taken) each other’s stuff without asking for permission.

And you always feel so triumphant when you return the item you borrowed without them noticing that it was gone in the first place! Speaking of borrowing things…

4. Your wardrobe doubles in size If you have a sibling who’s the same size as you.

More clothing options!

5. You can find hand-me-downs from your siblings in your wardrobe.

You’ve been into sustainability way before it was considered cool.

6. You’re extremely competitive.

There’s always some pressure to be better than your siblings, and you never waste an opportunity to prove that you’re smarter, stronger, and wittier than them–whether you’re showing your report card to your parents, or fighting over the last bag of chips in the pantry.

7. You’ve been called your sibling’s name several times in your life.

And a frazzled parent has run through the names of all the members of your family (including your dog) before landing on yours.

8. You’re bound to be referred to as “so-and-so’s sibling” at one point or another in your life.

Especially if you both study at the same school.

9. Your morning routine is timed down to the last minute.

That’s what happens when you have to share a bathroom with a sibling.

10. You’ll always love each other.

There may be times when you’ve wanted to pull each other’s hair out, but at the end of the day, they’ll always be the coolest people in your book, and you can’t imagine growing up without them by your side.

Join us as we celebrate National Siblings Day! Get up to 25% off selected Nixplay Frames, only until April 10!

Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at marianne.salazar@nixplay.com.

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