Tag: tips

20 Things You’d Wish You Could’ve Told Your Younger Self

20 Things You’d Wish You Could’ve Told Your Younger Self

We’re kicking off 2020 with a list of things we wish we knew when we were 20. Read on!

1. Find true friends and keep them forever.

You know those people who have experienced life’s ups and downs with you, and are still stuck to your side until now? Treasure them: They’re rare gems in a world full of fleeting friendships. 

2. Let your family know that you love them.

Your parents did the best they could for you. Thank them. Forgive them. Be patient with them. Love them.

3. Invest in experiences, not in things.

The sheen of material things fades over time. Objects become scuffed, worn out, dirty, or broken. Experiences, however, create memories that last a lifetime (which you should capture and display on a Nixplay Frame!).

4. Don’t stop learning.

Always strive to be the smartest person in the room. And if you’re already the smartest person in the room, leave that room immediately and start the process again. That’s how we grow.

5. Find a mentor.

Mentors provide invaluable knowledge, feedback, and encouragement, and can help you grow personally and professionally. In relation to the previous number, what better person to learn from than someone who’s an expert in your chosen field?

6. Start good habits.

Little habits, such as exercising every day, paying bills promptly, and being on time always, add up and transform you into a more disciplined version of yourself.

7. Your accomplishments (or lack thereof) don’t define you.

At the end of the day, the number of medals, awards, and accolades you’ve reaped don’t matter. What’s important is that you tried, you did your best, and you grew from your experiences.

8. And neither does your career.

So you’re not in the company you’ve dreamed of working for, or you didn’t get that promotion you wanted. And you know what? That’s totally okay! Roll up your sleeves, brush up on your skills, and expand your network. You’ll be named employee of the month before you know it.

9. Make more time for your family.

Relationships come and go, but your family is irreplaceable. Make it a priority to spend quality time with them regularly, and never miss a chance to let them know that they mean so much to you.

10. Take care of your body…

All the money in the world can only do so much when your health is in shambles. Since prevention is better (and cheaper) than cure, start creating healthy habits as early as now: eat vegetables, avoid smoking and drinking, take your vitamins, drink eight glasses of water.

11. …And keep pushing its limits.

When you’re in your 20s, your body is in its prime. Now’s the time to try all the things you’ve always wanted to try, from skiing to rock climbing to surfing to skydiving. Discover what you’re capable of!

12. Looks aren’t everything.

As much as it hurts to admit, you won’t stay young and beautiful forever. You’ll have wrinkles, your weight will fluctuate, your hair will be a problem. Maintain your looks, but keep in mind that what truly matters is your inner beauty. 

13. Manage your money wisely.

Personal finance isn’t exactly fun, but it’s incredibly important. Earmark for savings a set percentage of your salary each month, pay your credit card on time, and look into the many ways you can make your money grow faster. 

14. Travel more often.

Traveling is an eye-opening, enlightening, and rewarding experience. It’s the best way to broaden your horizons. Try to visit as many destinations as you can while you’re still young and commitment-free.

15. Give back.

There’s an advocacy for everyone, whether you’re into disaster risk reduction or childhood education. Find a cause that means a lot to you, dedicate yourself to it, and make a difference.

16. Remember that you’re not entitled to anything.

Sometimes, things just don’t work out even if you did your best. And when things seem unfair, remember that no one owes you anything. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again.

17. Take risks. Be brave.

Remember: the most exciting moments of your life happen when you’re outside your comfort zone.

18. Set goals and don’t lose sight of them.

Goals, whether achievable (like a monthly savings target) or seemingly impossible (like owning a house before turning 30), force you to take more risks, get creative, and hustle hard. You’ll be forced to push yourself to your limits and improve exponentially. And in our book, progress is always a good thing.

19. Don’t think about what people think.

No matter what you do, people will always, always say something. Our advice? Don’t listen to them (unless they’re asking you to quit a dangerous habit–then you should totally listen to them). Follow the beat of your own drum, and do what’s best for your life.

20. You’re going to mess up. And it’s okay!

People make mistakes. We all do. And that’s normal. The important thing is that you learn from your errors and try again. 

Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at marianne.salazar@nixplay.com.

A Photographer’s Guide to the Universe Part 1

Nixplay is excited to present the first in-depth article of Explore More, a series of content pieces that revolve around unique photo-taking adventures, creating moments and chronicling memories. Be creative, try something new and Explore More. Stay tuned throughout 2018 to further unleash your sense of adventure and love for photography.

Special Note: Part 2 will be published on Monday, February 15 and will provide you an ultimate guide to how to take photos of space.

2018 is setting out to be an exciting year for all space buffs that are fascinated with a galaxy far, far away and we don’t mean the latest Star Wars movie. The year has already started out with a big bang thanks to the appearance of the year’s first supermoon on none other than New Year’s Day, a phenomenon that allows space geeks to see the moon 14% larger and 30% brighter, making it one of the easier space events to photograph. For those who were recovering from the flows of champagne and confetti, don’t fret, there will be an astrological event nearly every month – plenty of opportunities to get your inner geek on. The list below shows some of the highlights of this calendar year and when you should me making that giant leap out of your door and onto prime space gazing real estate.

Jan 31st: Super blue moon eclipse
Feb 10th:
Line of planets with moon in between
March 31st:
Second blue moon
April 22nd – 23rd:
Lyrids meteor shower
May 6th – 7th
Eta Aquarids meteor shower
June 27th:
Saturn at its closest to sun
July 31st:
Mars closes to Earth (next event with such a close proximity will happen in 2025.)
Sep 7th:
Neptune at closest approach to Earth
Oct 21st – 22nd:
Orionids meteor shower
Nov 17th – 18th:
Leonids meteor shower
Dec 12th:
Comet 46P/Wirtanen passes by Earth

You probably remember thinking about how amazing it would be to experience space from daydreaming at school to looking in awe at the ever-growing catalog of space documentaries. This awe at the immensity of our solar system makes it a fascination to many and it is that awe that has seen a rapidly increasing contingent of star gazers that want to go beyond simply looking up at the stars, creating a trend of space photography. The digitally disruptive world of today has made this hobby accessible to a winder audience. Yet many people who try their hands on capturing stars and planets in the night sky often struggle with issues ranging from struggling to find and capture a planetary sitting or eclipse due to distance and lack of visibility to not knowing how to get the best shots when there is movement. Then there are those who, probably like you, thought this was a job for the professionals. And here’s the surprising bit: it can even be done from a smartphone.

In part 1 of our series, we list out the key highlights of space watching in 2018. Find out what’s hot and gassy or bright and beautiful for space photographers. At the same time, we will act as your guide and act as your de facto GPS for finding the best perch to get that award-winning shot. No, it’s not Pokemon Go, but a guide for the stars, planets and moons of 2018 – or at least those within site

If there’s one thing in common between US president Donald Trump and NASA, it would have to be location, location, location. When wanting to film one of these events, you can’t just leave your house, look up and expect to see these wonders of our Universe.

There is an interplay of location based factors that range from the part of the world you live in to the environment around you. Firstly, and this may seem like an obvious one for many, is light pollution, a common occurrence, especially in the world today, where for the first time in human history, the majority of the population now live in cities. The Big Apple is a bad apple for space photography.

Positioning yourself right in 2018 starts with the Lyrid meteor shower, peaking in the morning just before dawn on April 22. The general direction to look is east, although to be more precise, there is a table that can help calculate your exact positioning; whilst this website should also help. It’s best viewed from the northern hemisphere, with the mid-southern hemisphere coming in a close second. Eta Aquarids  is the most inclusive when it comes to viewability as you can witness the spectacle from anywhere in the world, whilst our latter couple in November can be seen from both hemispheres after dark; for the Leonid’s your best bet it to look between the east and the point right above you, whilst for the opulent Orionid all you is look straight up above your head.

Saturn, shines brightest, or is in opposition on June 27. Its general behavior on the day is much like the moon’s, rising at sunset, appears at its brightest south at midnight (give or take a couple dozen minutes) and sets in the west once sunrise hits. Generally, it should be right on the other side of the sun. Location-wise, as long as you’re sensible and are in a dark area without any light pollution and where it’s not overcast, your chances of witnessing this wonder is quite high. This site gives you exact coordinates of where to find the gassy planet in your location – make sure your device’s location settings are enabled.

Saturn with its rings. Photo by NASA JP-Caltech Space Science Institute.

If you ever get stuck or feel hopelessly lost in the hunt for shooting stars, the best tip would be to look at what constellation the meteor appears to radiate from seeing as each meteor is named after one. In less scientific language, constellations are groups of stars that form an image – some of the names may even be familiar to you. Alternatively, you can download an app known as ‘Starglobe’ on your phone

As for catching our comet, you’d be best placed in the Northern hemisphere. Do keep your expectations realistic seeing as scientists cannot pin-point how bright it would be at present, but they do believe it’ll be the brightest comet in over 5 years, passing 7.2 million miles away from earth. It can be located quite easily as it passes winter constellation Taurus, the bull. Searching for and printing out the constellation would be the best way to prepare for the day.

Whilst we are summarizing this without going to an encyclopaedia of GPS coordinates, we have sifted through the data and provided some useful tips to get you on your way and explore something new. Once the cosmic event occurs, be sure to take as many photos as you can, to maximize your chances of taking a good quality photo.


Many of the photos that you see related to space on a lot of the top photography journals and other publications are not one-shot wonders. Professional photojournalists that partake in various space photography often do a lot of editing to the shots they get. Let’s face it, shooting movable objects in pitch black is not easy even for the most experienced. Whilst your mind may wonder to programs such as Photoshop, a truly successful space image will go beyond that with sequencing and layering. To find out more, stay tuned to our article to be published on January 15, where we explore the best ways to edit and build upon photos long after the camera is packed away.

Share Your Discoveries

Want a good opportunity to show off and gain likes? Your space-filled gallery will be a guaranteed winner; instantly share photos with anyone in the world through your social media apps, messages and as we recommend, the Nixplay app, which manages photos and albums on digital picture frames. It would also be irresponsible of us not to note that starring into the sun directly – an exciting photo taking opportunity can become a tragedy. Like a good astronaut, a good photographer of the Universe is universally ready – get the right gear, prepare, plan thoroughly and enjoy the ride!

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.

Need To Digitise Your Old Photos?

Quick and easy solutions to scan your old photos

Everyone has photos in that shoebox under the stairs or in the attic. In the days before Facebook & Instagram we used to capture those precious moments, have them developed… and then store them in the aforementioned shoebox.  Now that times have changed, we are increasingly relying on our online tools to preserve those memories and experiences.

(source: jarmoluk)

So the next question is, how can you digitise those old pictures? Those first steps? Mum and dad’s wedding? Or those embarrassing school photos?

Use a Scanner

The first solution is a little obvious. Using a scanner used to be the standard method of getting images digitised. Many modern printers have a built-in scanner. However, if you don’t own a Scanner, picking up one will set you back around $60USD.

But isn’t there an easier, faster way to upload your photos?

Yes! There’s an app for that

We have selected our favourite photo scanning apps below. We find this is the fastest way to digitise your photos, with specific features to help preserve the quality and details.

  • Google PhotoScan: Available on iOS & Android, with easy-to-scan feature, Automatic glare removal, cropping and rotation capability.

  • Photomyne: Also available on iOS & Android, Photomyne converts old prints into digital photos ready for posting on social media and allows for multiple photos to be uploaded in one go.

  • Shoebox: One of the most popular apps on the market, this App is available in iOS or Android but gives you the additional option of tagging information with your photos. You can add locations, people, captions, and dates.

(Image source: Jarmoluk, Pixabay)

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.

5 Inspiring Tips to Capture Family Portraits!

It’s that time of year to get the kids together for the family portrait. I know it can be a challenge at times, which is why I’ve created some easy tips to help you capture ideal family portraits you’ll be proud to show off on your nixplay Cloud Frame.

1) Be Creative!

Find your own style of posing that embraces your family’s quirkiness, and be creative about it! Look for creative ways to pose your subjects in the photograph and use some props to help you capture different shots. For example you could use bubbles, water guns, books and etc that elaborate each family member in their own light.


2) Don’t take it too seriously!

I can’t emphasize enough how important this is. The main idea of your photo shoot is to have fun and only to have fun. Don’t be afraid to joke around and enjoy yourself. Try to take a blend of serious shots and candid shots for your family potraits. Once the serious shots have been completed, ask your subjects to relax. Sometimes the best shots will show up when everyone is being themselves and not worrying about how to put on their best smiles, so get the candid photos coming! You’ll be surprised with how good the results can be.


3) Expression is everything!

When you’re taking photos of kids, allow them to be goofy! This will enhance their real personalities and encourage them to show a natural smile. If they’re not sure how to hold themselves, you can always suggest ways for them to pose. Or even consider using props by involving their favorite toys!


4) Destination – Familiar Atmosphere

There is nothing better than capturing the photos in a familiar atmosphere, such as your home! The best thing about shooting at home is that it’s a familiar place which will make everyone feel comfortable, and it’ll also increase the meaning of the photos! Worried about bad lighting indoors? Worry no more because window lighting will be your best friend. Window lighting could be used as a key light, fill light and even backlight. Be aware of controlling your light source wisely.


5) Manual, Manual, Manual!

For anyone with a DSLR camera, it’s time to get familiar with your manual mode. Your camera setting does not always know the right setting options for the environment you are in, so try to avoid the auto. Remember to shoot in RAW format. RAW file format captures all image data that is recorded by the sensor when you take the photo. This allows you to get the highest level of quality and greater levels of brightness. Not to mention – this also allows you to easily correct over or under exposed images without losing too many details.


Happy Clicking! In no time you’ll have an album of great photos to proudly display on your nixplay Cloud Frame!

Images : August 2013, Chandni Chotrani, Freeze Seize Conquer

About Chandni Chotrani, Hong Kong

Photographs to me are a way of encapsulating stories and preserving memories. They make us smile, laugh, cry and remember. It has always fascinated me how with just a simple click, you are able to capture the moments of our lives and to put together images tocreate a photographic storybook filled with timeless meanings.

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.

Smartphone photography tips & tricks you should know

Here are some great tips on how to take great photos for your nixplay Cloud Frame using your smartphone.

1) How to fit everything into your frame.

If you’re an Instagrammer, you would be familiar with the square frame format and will find that it is difficult to fit everything within the size restrictions. To avoid this issue, we advise taking the photos outside of the Instagram app so you can then frame your photo wisely. Don’t forget to sync your Instagram account with your nixplay Digital Frame so you can start displaying your best photos in your home instantly!

2) Filters! 

Don’t go crazy with choosing your filters – you want your photos to look natural. Choosing filters can be fun but bear in mind that you may lose certain details if you choose the “wrong” filter in smartphone photography. Sometimes a photograph can look best without having a filter at all. So choose wisely, and make sure you get the right feel with the filter you choose.

3) Editing beyond the filters.

If filters don’t do the job and you still need to edit your photo, try using the editing app “PE-Fotolr”. It allows you to edit all sorts of things from fixing the color tones of your photos to cleaning up your blemishes – this could definitely be your next favorite app after Instagram and next step to being a pro at smartphone photography! Happy snapping!

Photographs by Chandni Chotrani August 2013

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.

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